privacy policy

boiBD respects their visitors and customers right to privacy and advises them that every time they visit the boiBD website, some level of information can be retained. This information is usually in the form of ‘cookies’ and/or ‘sessions’ that tells the boiBD when users return to the site, what pages are accessed during their visit, and gathers information that will allow the boiBD to analyze the popular areas of the site and rearranged them into a more user-friendly form. Users are welcome to visit the website, but they must agree to the Terms of Service in order to use the website. This includes respecting the Company’s Copyright Policy which states that no portion of the website may be copied and used for any reason.

your personal information protection

User’s personal information may be requested by a third party who has the legal right to do so and the Company will release the information in accordance to law. If a third party acquires the Company through legal means, user’s personal information will be transferred to the new owner’s. User’s who no longer wish to receive information from the Company may request to have their name withdrawn from the database by contacting customer service through the website. All personal information will be protected by firewalls and security encryption to the best of the Company’s ability to provide confidentiality and integrity of the information from unauthorized disclosure or access.

changes to the privacy policy

Users consent to the collection and use of personal information as stated by using the Company’s website. Changes to the privacy policy will be changed on this page and additional notification of the changes may be placed on additional web pages. Continued use of the Company’s website will be considered acceptance by the user of the policy changes.

today's words

Current World

  • What is the number of current U.S. Congress which is established on January 3, 2021?

    Ans: 117th


  • Joe Biden is current and 46th U.S. President, What number he stands as Democratic President in the history of U.S.?

    Ans: 16th

  • Donald Trump was________ president of Republican party.

    Ans: 19th

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  • অধ্যায় অনুযায়ী অনুশীলন,
  • ইংরেজি এবং গণিত এর জন্য সহজ কৌশল,
  • অসংখ্য মডেল পরীক্ষা,
  • পরীক্ষার পর্যালোচনা,
  • সাম্প্রতিক বিষয় নিয়মিত আপডেট,
  • প্রতিদিন পাঁচটি করে vocabulary (Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Example সহ )।





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