আপনার কাছে যদি মনে হয় প্রশ্নটি অধ্যায় অনুযায়ী সঠিক নয় তাহলে সঠিক অধ্যায় ও প্রশ্নটি অথবা কোন প্রকার ভুল থাকলে আমাদের কে জানান ইমেইল করে kabirdepart@gmail.com

Unitary Method

Correct :

Wrong :

  • 1. If Lalon loses 8 pounds, he will weigh twice as much as his sister. Together they now weigh 278 pounds. What is Lalon’s present weigh in pounds?
  • Consider ,
    Sister weight Now as x
    Lalon’s  weight (2 times +8) = 2x+8


    (2x+8)+(x) =278


    Lalon’s weight is  =  (2 X 90 +8) =188

  • 2. If 10 ships requires 10 tanks of oil in 10 days. How long is 1 tank of oil enough for a ship?
  • 1 tank of oil enough for a ship 10 days

  • 3. A car washer machine can wash 8 cars in 18 minute ,how many car she can wash within 3 hours at same rate?
  • Car can be washed = (8/18) ×180 =80

  • 4. A mixture of 72 kg contains 17 parts of  A, 3 parts of B,4 parts of C. Find the quantity of B?
  • Sum of their portions=17+3+4=24

    So, B’s Parts=72(3/24)=9 kg

  • 5. Half of the pillar is under the earth one third of it is under the water, and 12 feet is above the water, what is the length?
  • Let, Total length =x


    Under the earth= x/2

    Under the water=x/3

    and, Above the water= 12



    x/2+x/3+12 =x

    or, x/2+x/3-×=-12


    or, x=72

  • 6. A  ferry can carry 24 buses or 36 cars at a time. If there are 18 buses on the ferry,how many cars can be loaded onto it?
  • 7. Bony takes 2 hours to wash 500 dishes, and Farah takes 3 hours to wash 450 dishes. How long will they take working together to wash 1000 dishes?
  • 8. A can do a work in 15 days and B in 20 days. If they  work  on it together for 4 days, then the action of the work that is left is
  • 9. If one-third of one-fourth of a number is 15, then three-tenth of that number is
  • 10. Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5% of A and 4% of B   is two-third  of  the sum of 6% of A and 8% of B. What is the ratio of A and B?
  • 11. A water filter can be filled with 8 jugs of capacity containing 1.3  liters each.  How many Jugs are required to fill the same filter, If capacity of the jug is 0.8 liters?
  • 12. A man can do a job in 15 days. His father takes 20 days and his son finishes it in 25 days. How long will they take to complete the job if they all work together?
  • 13. Three taps A, B and C can fill a tank in 12, 15 and 20 hours respectively. If a is open all the time and B and C are open for one hour each alternately, the tank will be full in:
  • (A + B)'s 1 hour's work = (1/12 + 1/15)

    = 9/60 = 3/20.

    (A + C)'s hour's work =(1/12 + 1/20)

    = 8/60 = 2/15.

    Part filled in 2 hrs = (3/20 + 2/15) = 17/60.

    Part filled in 6 hrs = (3 x 17/60) = 17/20.

    Remaining part =(1 – 17/20) = 3/20.

    Now, it is the turn of A and B and 3/20 part is filled by A and B in 1 hour.

    Therefore, Total time taken to fill the tank = (6 + 1) hrs = 7 hrs.

  • 14. 30 labourers, working 7 hours a day can finish a piece of work in 18 days. If the labourers work 6 hours a day, then the number of labourers to finish the same piece of work in 30 days, will be:
  • 15. Descriptive: Part — I (Mathematics) Read the following information and then answer the questions 61 through 64 on the next page. The space below is for your working i.e. the calculations for the solutions to the questions. After you work out, circle the right answer out of the five alternatives for each of these questions. Information: 10 persons work 8 hours a day and complete a job in 3 days. (Q-4) In how many days can 8 persons do the job if each of them work 6 hours a day?
  • 16. Descriptive: Part — I (Mathematics) Read the following information and then answer the questions 61 through 64 on the next page. The space below is for your working i.e. the calculations for the solutions to the questions. After you work out, circle the right answer out of the five alternatives for each of these questions. Information: 10 persons work 8 hours a day and complete a job in 3 days. (Q-3) In how many days can 1 (one) person do the job if he works 8 hours a day?
  • 17. Descriptive: Part — I (Mathematics) Read the following information and then answer the questions 61 through 64 on the next page. The space below is for your working i.e. the calculations for the solutions to the questions. After you work out, circle the right answer out of the five alternatives for each of these questions. Information: 10 persons work 8 hours a day and complete a job in 3 days. (Q-2) How many persons can do the job in 2 days, if each of them work 6 hours a day, instead of 8 hours a day?
  • 18. Descriptive: Part — I (Mathematics) Read the following information and then answer the questions 61 through 64 on the next page. The space below is for your working i.e. the calculations for the solutions to the questions. After you work out, circle the right answer out of the five alternatives for each of these questions. Information: 10 persons work 8 hours a day and complete a job in 3 days. (Q-1) How many persons can do the job in 2 days?
  • 19. Pipe A can fill up a tank in 40 minutes and pipe B can fill up the same tank in 30 minutes, how many minutes will it take for the two pipes together to fill up the tank?
  • 20. One half of a pole is deep into the soil under water, one-third of it is above the soil under water and 2 meters of it is above the water level. What is the total length of the pole (in meters)?
  • 21. Some persons can do a piece of work in 12 days. Two times the number of such persons will do half of that work in:
  • 22. A worker can do a job in 4 hours and another worker can do it in 2 hours. How many such works can they do together in 4 hours?
  • 23. In still water a boy rows 5 miles an hour. Wait the aid of current he can make a 21 miles trip in 3 hours. How fast is the current?
  • 24. সাড়ে চার হালি ডিমের দাম ১০৮ টাকা হলে ১১ টি ডিমের দাম কত?
  • 25. যদি ৬ জন বালক ৬ মিনিটে ৬ পৃষ্ঠা লিখতে পারে, তবে একজন বালকের এক পৃষ্ঠা লিখতে কত সময় লাগবে?
  • 26. A company hired a plumber and 8 workers to do a certain job. The daily wages for the plumber is times more than that of a worker. If the company paid a total of Tk. X for the work, what was the payment received by the plumber?
  • 27. Ehsan can mow the lawn in 30 mintues, and together with his brother Asif, they can mow the lawn in 20 mintues. How long would it take for Asif working alone to mow the lawn?
  • 28. ক একটি কাজ ১০ দিনে করতে পারে এবং খ ঐ কাজটি ১৫ দিনে করতে পারে। ক ও খ একত্রে ৫ দিন কাজ করার পর খ চলে গেল । বাকী কাজ ক একা কত দিনে করতে পারবে? 
  • 29. কোন স্কুলে ৫৩ জন ছাত্রের মধ্যে ৩৬ জন গান পছন্দ করে; ১৮ জন কবিতা পছন্দ করে। ১০ জন কোনটিই পছন্দ করে না। কত জন দুটোই পছন্দ করে?
  • 30. লঞ্চ ও স্রোতের গতিবেগ যথাক্রমে ঘন্টায় ১৮ কিঃমিঃ ও ৬ কিঃমিঃ। নদী পথে ৪৮ কিঃমিঃ অতিক্রম করে পুনারায় ফিরে আসতে সময় লাগবে-
  • 31. কয়েকজন শ্রমিক একটি কাজ ১৮ দিনে করে দিবে বলে ঠিক করে। কিন্তু তাদের মধ্যে ৯ জন অনুপস্থিত থাকায় কাজটি । ৩৬ দিনে সম্পন্ন হয় । ৩৬ জন শ্রমিক নিযুক্ত হলে কত দিনে কাজটি সম্পন্ন হতো?
  • 32. It takes 10 days for 4 boys to complete a piece of work. The same work can be completed by 7 girls in 10 days. If 3 boys and 5 girls work together, approximately how many days will they need to complete the work?
  • 33. 12 men working 8 hours per day complete a piece of work in 10 days. To complete the same work in 8 days, working 15 hours a day, the number of men required, is
  • 34. How many days are there in x weeks x days?
  • 35. Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 5 and 6 hours respectively. Pipe C can empty it in 12 hours. If all the pipes are opened together, then the tank will be filled in:
  • 36. A takes twice as much time as B or three as much time as C to finish a piece of work. Working together they can finish the work in 2 days. B can do the work alone in:
  • 37. 3 pumps, working 8 hours a day can empty a tank in 2 days. How many hours a day must 4 pumps work to empty the tank in 1 day?
  • 38. A is 30% more efficient than B. How much time will they, working together, take to complete a job which A alone could have done in 23 days?
  • 39. 15 men take 21 days of 8 hours each to do piece piece of work. How many days of 6 hours each would 21 women take, if 3 women do as much work as 2 men?
  • 40. One pipe can fill a tank three times as fast as another pipe. If together the two pipes can fill the tank in 36 minutes, then the slower pipe alone will be able to fill the tank in:
  • 41. A group of 1200 persons consisting of captains and soldiers is travelling in a train. For every 15 soldiers there is one captain. The number of captains in the group is
  • Clearly, out of every 16 persons, there is one captain. So, number of captains (1200/16) = 75.

  • 42. Mr. Rafim can complete a job in 15 days, while Mr. Shafin takes twice as long to do the same. If the work together how many days will they require to complete the job?
  • Mr. Rafim can do 1 days=1/15 parts

    and Mr. Shafin can do 1 days=1/30 parts


    (Mr. Rafim+ Mr. Shafin) can do 1 days=(1/15 +1/30) parts

    “         “                   “                   “              = 1/10 parts


    (Mr. Rafim+ Mr. Shafin),

      1/10 parts can do = 1 day

     So,  1  part   “      “  = 10 days

  • 43. A man rowed 3 miles upstream in 90 minutes. If the river flowed with a current 2 miles per hour, how long did the man’s return trip take?
  • A man rowed 3 miles upstream in 90 minutes
    Let r represent the rowing r
    D = rt OR r = D/t
    (r-2) = 3/1.5 = 2
      r-2 = 2
      r = 4mi/hr
    With the current, will travel 6mi/hr
    {{{ 3mi/6(mi/hr) = .5hr}}} or 30min

  • 44. Rakib can complete a task in 30 minutes and together with his brother Momin, he can complete the task in 20 minutes. How long would it take for Momin working alone to complete the task?
  • in 30 minutes, Rakib can complete 1 task

    in 1 minute, Rakib can complete 1/30 task


    in 20 minutes, Rakib and Monin can complete 1 task

    in 1 minute, Rakib and Monin can complete 1/20 task


    let, monin does x task in 1 minute.


    1/30 + 1/x = 1/20

    (x + 30)/30x = 1/20

    30x = 20x + 600

    30x - 20x = 600

    10x = 600

    x = 60


    momin working alone can complete the task in 60 minutes.

  • 45. Arafat and Asif were each paid C taka in advance to do a certain job together. Arafat worked of the job for 10 hours and Asif worked 2 hours less than Arafat. If Asif gave Arafat Y taka of his payment so that they would have received the same hourly wage, what was the amount in taka, in terms of Y , that Arafat was paid in advance?
  • 46. নৌকা ও স্রোতের বেগ যথাক্রমে ঘন্টায় ১৮ কি.মি. ও ৬ কি.মি। নদী পথে ৭২ কি.মি. অতিক্রম করে পুনরায় ফিরে আসতে কত সময় লাগবে?
  • দুইবার ৭২ কি.মি অতিক্রম করতে হবে।

    একবার স্রোতের প্রতিকুলে একবার স্রোতের অনুকুলে ।

    স্রোতের অনুকুলে,

    মোট বেগ = ১৮ কি.মি. + ৬ কি.মি = ২৪ কি.মি./ঘন্টা

    দূরত্ব = ৭২ কি.মি.

    তাহলে, সময় = ৭২/২৪ = ৩ ঘণ্টা


    স্রোতের প্রতিকুলে,

    মোট বেগ = ১৮ - ৬ = ১২ কি.মি./ঘণ্টা

    দূরত্ব = ৭২ কি.মি.

    সময় = ৭২/১২ = ৬ ঘণ্টা

    সুতরাং মোট সম্য = ৩ + ৬ = ৯ ঘণ্টা

  • 47. জাকির প্রথম ২ ঘন্টায় ৮০ মাইল/ঘন্টা বেগে ভ্রমন করল এবং পরবর্তী ৩ ঘন্টায় ১৪০ মাইল অতিক্রম করল। পুরো ভ্রমন পথে জাকির গড়ে কত কিলোমিটার বেগে ভ্রমন করল?
  • ২ ঘণ্টায় ভ্রমন করল ৮০*২ = ১৬০ কি.মি.

    পরের ৩ ঘণ্টায় ভ্রমন করল = ১৪০ কি.মি.

    মোট দূরত্ব = ১৬০ + ১৪০ = ৩০০ কি.মি.

    মোট সময়= ৫ ঘণ্টা

    গড় বেগ = ৩০০/৫ = ৬০ কি.মি./ঘণ্টা

  • 48. কালামের মাসিক আয় সাজেমের মাসিক আয় থেকে ৫০% বেশি এবং বদির মাসিক আয়ের ৫/৬ অংশ। সাজেমের মাসিক আয় ২০০০ টাকা হলে তাদের তিনজনের মোট মাসিক আয় কত?
  • 2000 + 2000*3/2 + (2000*3/2)*6/5

    = 2000 + 3000 + 3000*6/5

    = 2000 + 3000 + 3600

    = 8600

  • 49. ১:২০০০ স্কেলে একটি শহরের ম্যাপ আঁকা আছে। ১.২ কিলোমিটার দীর্ঘ একটি রাস্তার দৈর্ঘ্য ম্যাপে কত হবে?
  • 1.2/2000 = 0.0006 km = 0.0006 * 1000 m = 0.6 m = 0.6*100 cm = 60 cm

  • 50. তিনটি প্যাকেজিং মেশিনের এক ব্যাচ ট্যাবলেট প্যাকেজ করতে যথাক্রমে ৪, ৫, ও ৬ ঘন্টা সময় লাগে। দুটি মেশিনসর্বোচ্চ ক্ষমতায় কাজ করে এক ঘন্টায় সর্বোচ্চ কতটুকু কাজ করতে পারবে?
  • তিনটি মেশিনের মধ্যে দুইটি দ্রুততম মেশিন হল যে দুইটি ৪ এবং ৫ ঘণ্টায় পুরো কাজ করতে পারে।

    সুতরাং, ১ ঘণ্টায় এই দুই মেশিন কাজ করতে পারবে = ১/৪ + ১/৫ = (৫+৪)/২০ = ৯/২০ অংশ

  • 51. ১৬ জন লোক একটি কাজ ২৭ দিনে করতে পারে। ৪ জন লোক চলে গেলে কাজটি শেষ করতে শতকরা কত দিন বেশি লাগবে?
  • ১৬ জন করতে পারে ২৭ দিনে

    ১ জন করতে পারে ২৭*১৬ দিনে

    ১২ জন করতে পারে ২৭*১৬/১২ দিনে = ৩৬ দিনে

    দিন বেশি লাগবে = ৩৬ - ২৭ = ৯ দিন


    প্রথমের, ২৭ দিনে বেশি লাগে ৯ দিন

    ১ দিনে বেশি লাগবে ৯/২৭ দিন

    ১০০ দিনে বেশি লাগবে ৯*১০০/২৭ দিন = ৩৩.৩৪%


  • 52. ক একটি কাজ ৩০ দিনে, খ ১৫ দিনে এবং গ ১০ দিনে করতে পারে। প্রতি ২য় দিনে খ এবং প্রতি ৩য় দিনে গ, ক-কে সাহায্য করলে ঐ কাজটি কত দিনে শেষ হবে?
  • ক ১ দিনে করে ১/৩০ কাজ

    খ এক দিনে করে ১/১৫ কাজ

    গ এক দিনে কাজ করে ১/১০ কাজ


    ১ম দিনে ক একা কাজ করে ১/৩০ কাজ

    ২য় দিনে ক এবং খ একত্রে কাজ করে ১/৩০ + ১/১৫ কাজ = ৩/৩০ = ১/১০ কাজ

    ৩য় দিনে ক এবং গ একত্রে কাজ করে ১/৩০ + ১/১০ কাজ ক = ৪/৩০ কাজ 

    প্রতি তিন দিনে মোট কাজ হয় = ১/৩০ + ১/১০ + ৪/৩০ = (১+৩+৪)/৩০ = ৮/৩০ কাজ


    ৮/৩০ কাজ হবে ৩ দিনে

    ১ কাজ হবে ৩*৩০/৮ দিনে = ১১.২৫ দিনে = ১২ দিনে 

  • 53. একটি ব্যাংকের কর্মচারীদের ৭০% নারী এবং ৬০% বিবাহিত। পুরুষের ২/৩ অংশ যদি অবিবাহিত হন, নারীদের কতভাগ বিবাহিত?
  • 54. A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do the same work in half the time taken by A. Then, working together, what part of the same work they can finish in a day?
  • 55. In a camp, there is a meal for 120 men or 200 children. If 150 children have taken the meal, how many men will be catered with the remaining meal?
  • 56. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 6 hours and 4 hours respectively. If they are opened on alternate hours and if pipe A is opened first, in how many hours, the tank shall be full?
  • 57. একটি শ্রেনীর প্রতি বেঞ্চে ৪ জন করে ছাত্র বসলে ৩ খানা বেঞ্চ খালি থাকে।কিন্ত প্রতি বেঞ্চে ৩ জন করে বসলে ৬ জন ছাত্রের দাঁড়িয়ে থাকতে হয়। ঐ শ্রেনীর ছাত্র  সংখ্যা কত ?  
  • মনে করি বেঞ্চ সংখ্যা x

       ১ম শর্তনুযায়ী ছাত্রসংখ্যা =4(x-3)=4x-12

           ২য় শর্তনুযায়ী ছাত্রসংখ্যা =3x+6 ; সুতরাং, 4x-12=3x+6=x=18



  • 58. A does a work in 10 day and B does the same work in 15 days. In how many days they together will do the same work?
  • 59. How long does a train 110 meters long running at the speed of 72 km/h take to cross a bridge 132 meters in length? 
  • Speed = 72 km/hour = 72*(5/18) m/sec
    = 20 m/sec
    Total distance to be covered = 110+132 = 142 meters
    Time = Distance/Speed

  • 60. এক ব্যাক্তি  তার  ১৫% আয়কর „দন । তিনি ৬০০০ টাকা আয়কর দিয়ে থাকলে তার „মোট আয় কত?
  • ১৫ টাকা আয়কর দিলে আয় ১০০ টাকা
    ১ টাকা আয়কর দিলে আয় ১০০/১৫ টাকা
    ৬০০০ টাকা আয়কর দিলে আয় ১০০ X ৬০০০/১৫ টাকা=৪০০০০ টাকা

  • 61. ১৫ টি ভেড়ার মূল্য ৫টি গরুর মূল্যের সমান । ২টি গরুর মূল্যে  ৩০০০ টাকা হলে ৩টি ভেড়ার মূল্য  কত?
  • ৫ টি গরু = ১৫ টি ভেড়া
    ১ টি গরু = ১৫/৫=৩ টি ভেড়া
    ২ টি গরু=৩০০০ টাকা
    তাহলে, ১টি গরু =১৫০০ টাকা

  • 62. If a person can save Tk. 380 in 5 weeks, in how many weeks, at this same rate, can the person save 2.6  times  amount?
  • 380x12.5 = 988 tk

    Person can save Tk. 380 in 5 weeks

    Person can save Tk. 988  in (5x988)/380 weeks

                                                  =13 weeks


  • 63. During a 7-day book fair, the number of visitors doubles each day. If the fair opened on a Tuesday with 256 visitors, what was the attendance on the last day of that fair?
  • 64. How many liters of fuel are needed for a steamer to sail 700 kilometers if it uses 80 liters of fuel to sail 320 kilometers?
  • To travel 320 kilometer it uses 80 litre
    To travel 1  kilometer it uses 80/320 litre
    To travel 700 kilometer it uses 80 X 700/320litre=175 litre

  • 65. ‘A’ can do a work in 20 days while ‘B’ can do it in 30 days. ‘A’ and ‘B’ working together can do it in---
  • 66. If 20 men or 24 women or 40 boys can do a job in 12 days working for 8 hours a day, how many men working with 6 women and 2 boys take to do a job four times as big working for 5 hours a day for 12 days?          
  • Amount of work done by 20 men = 24 women = 40 boys or amount of work done by 1 man = 1.2 women = 2 boys
    Let us therefore, find out the amount of men required, if only men were working on the task, to complete the new job under the new conditions.
    And then make adjustments for the women and boys who are already employed on the task.
    The man hours required to complete the new task = 4 times the man hours required to complete the old task. (As the new task is 4 times as big as the old task)
    So, the new task is 20 X 12 X 8 X 4 men hours task.
    Let 'n' be the number of men required to complete the new task.
    Equating the men hours of task, we get= 20 X 12 X 8 X 4
     n = 128.
    The new task will require 128 men, if only men worked on the task to complete it.

    However, the problem states that 6 women and 2 boys are working on the job.
    6 women are the equivalent of 6/1.2 = 5 men and 2 boys = 1 man.
    i.e., the equivalen

  • 67. At a certain party attended by 32 people, 24 were students. If 12 of those in attendance were women, and if 6 of the women in a attendance were students, then how many of the men who attended the party were not students?
  • 68. A certain machine produces 8 toys every 4 seconds. If the machine operates without interruption, how many toys will it produce in 2 minutes?
  • here,
    2 minutes=120 seconds
    in 4 seconds  produce 8 toys
    in 1 seconds  produce 8/4 toys
    in 120 seconds  produce 8X120/4 toys=240 toys

  • 69. Rashed can stuff advertising circulars into envelopes at the rate of 45 envelopers per minute and Reena requires a minute and a half to stuff the same number of envelopes. Working together, how long will it take Rashed and Reena to stuff 300 envelopes?
  • in 60 seconds Rashed can stuff 45 envelope
     in 1 seconds Rashed can stuff 45/60=3/4 envelope
    in 90 seconds Reena can stuff 45 envelope
    in 1 seconds Reena can stuff 45/90=1/2 envelope

    Together in one second they can stuff=(3/4+1/2)=5/4 envelope
    they can stuff 5/4 envelope in 1 second
    they can stuff 1 envelope in 1X4/5  second
    they can stuff 300 envelope in 1X4X300/5  second=240 second=4 minutes


  • 70. A particular carmaker sells four models of cars, and each model comes with 5 options. How many different types of cars does the carmaker sell?
  • each model comes with 5 options
    so,total different types of cars does the carmaker sell =5 X 4=20

  • 71. To produce an old photograph, a photographer charges x dollars to make a negative 3x/5 dollars for each of the first 10 prints, and x/5 dollars for each print in excess of 10 prints. If 45 dollars is the total charge to make a negative and 20 prints from an old photograph how many dollars the photographer charges to make a negative?
  • equation is

  • 72. Employees of a discount appliance store receive an additional 20% off the lowest price on an item. If an employee purchases a dishwasher during a 15% off sale, how much will he pay if the dishwasher originally cost $450?
  • original price = $450
    The sale price will be = the original price less 15 % discount
    15% off so the sale price = 450-0.15*450
    sale price = $ 382.50
    Employee gets 20% off on this price
    The employee has to pay= 382.50 - (0.20X382.50)= $306

  • 73. Sarah needs to make a cake and some cookies, The cake requires 3/8 cup of sugar and the cookies require 3/5 cup of sugar. Sarah has 15/16 cups of sugar. Does she have enough sugar or how much more does she need?
  • here,
    she needs= 15/16 - (3/8 + 3/5) 
    = 15/16 - (15 + 24)/40 
    = 15/16 - 39/40 
    = (75 - 78)/80 
    = - 3/80 = 15/16 - (3/8 + 3/5)

    = 15/16 - (15 + 24)/40

    = 15/16 - 39/40

    = (75 - 78)/80

    = - 3/80

  • 74. If there are 300 calories in 100 grams of a food, how many calories are there in a 30 gram portion of that food?
  • in 100 grams of food there are  300 clalories
    in   1 grams of food there are  300/100 clalories
    in 30 grams of food there are  300 X30/100 clalories=90 calories

  • 75. If 6 workers can complete 9 identicaljobs in 3 days, how long (in days) will it take 4 workers to complete10 such jobs?
  •  6 workers can complete 9 identical jobs in 3 days. 
    1 worker can complete 9 identical jobs in 18 days 
    4 workers can complete 36 identical jobs in 18 days 
    4 workers can complete 10 jobs in 5 days. 

  • 76. A ferry can carry 24 buses or 36 cars at a time. If there are 9 cars on the ferry, how many buses can be loaded onto it?A ferry can carry 24 buses or 36 cars at a time. If there are 9 cars on the ferry, how many buses can be loaded onto it?
  • 77. In an election a candidate was elected by securing 55% of the votes cast. If the elected candidate got 1000 votes more than his only rival, how many votes were cast?
  • 78. In a student dormitory there was enough food to feed 300 students for 15 days. Because of admission of some new students, the food only lasted for 10 days. How many new students were admitted to the dormitory?
  • 79. In a certain recipe, 2(1/4) cups of flour are called for to make a cake that serves 6. If Mrs. Jesmin wants to use the same recipe to make a cake for 8, how many cups of flour must she use?
  • 80. If the scale used for drawing a map states that the actual distance of 50 km is represented by 1 cm on the map, then according to this scale what will be the actual distance between Los Angeles and Washington D.C. If Washington D.C is 12.22 cm away from America on the map?
  • It is given that, 1cm on map is equal to 50 km on the road.
    We have to find out the actual distance for a distance of 12.22cm on the map.
    We can write the above equalities as follows,
    1 cm = 50 km \ 12.22 cm = say 'x' cm.
    ∴ x = 50 X 12.22 = 611 km.

  • 81. Afia can do her term paper in 15 days which takes Babul 20 days to finish, What is the fraction of work left if both Afia & Babul work together for 4 days?
  • Afia,
    in 15 days does 1 work
    in 4 days does 4/15 work
    in 20 days do 1 work
    in 4 days do 4/20 work
    both of them do together=(4/15+4/20)=7/15 part

  • 82. Running at the same constant rate, 6 identical machines can produce a total of 270 bottles per minute. At the rate how many bottles could 10 such machines produce in 4 minutes.
  • 6 machines produce 270 bottles per minute;
    1 machine produces 270/6=45 bottles per minute;
    10 machines produce 45×10=450 bottles per minute;
    In 4 minutes 10 machines produce 450×4=1,800 bottles.

  • 83. Worker A takes 8 hours to do a job. Worker B takes 10 hour to do the same job. How long should it take both A and B, working together but independently, to do the same job?
  • working together, they can do  1/10+1/8=9/40

    they can do the whole job in: 40/9 days=4(4/9) days


  • 84. How many pieces of 85 cm length can be cut from a rod 42.5 meters long?
  • 85. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 6 hours. After working at it together for 2 hours, C is closed and A and B can fill the remaining part in 7 hours. The number of hours taken by C alone to fill the tank is:
  • Part filled in 2 hours = 2/6 = 1/3

    Remaining part = (1 – 1/3) = 2/3.

    (A + B)'s 7 hour's work = 2/3

    (A + B)'s 1 hour's work = 2/21

    So, C's 1 hour's work = { (A + B + C)'s 1 hour's work } - { (A + B)'s 1 hour's work }

    =(1/6 – 2/21) = 1/14

    Therefore, C alone can fill the tank in 14 hours.

  • 86. Three taps A, B and C can fill a tank in 12, 15 and 20 hours respectively. If A is open all the time and B and C are open for one hour each alternately, the tank will be full in:
  • (A + B)'s 1 hour's work = (1/12 + 1/15)

    = 9/60 = 3/20.

    (A + C)'s hour's work =(1/12 + 1/20)

    = 8/60 = 2/15.

    Part filled in 2 hrs = (3/20 + 2/15) = 17/60.

    Part filled in 6 hrs = (3 x 17/60) = 17/20.

    Remaining part =(1 – 17/20) = 3/20.

    Now, it is the turn of A and B and 3/20 part is filled by A and B in 1 hour.

    Therefore, Total time taken to fill the tank = (6 + 1) hrs = 7 hrs.

  • 87. A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled, three more similar taps are opened. What is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?
  • Time taken by one tap to fill half of the tank = 3 hrs.

    Part filled by the four taps in 1 hour = (4 x 1/6) = 2/3.

    Remaining part = (1 – ½) = 1/2.

    So, 2/3  : 1/2 :: 1 : x

    => x = (1/2 x 1 x 3/2)= 3/4 hours

    i.e., 45 mins.

    So, total time taken = 3 hrs. 45 mins.

  • 88. A large tanker can be filled by two pipes A and B in 60 minutes and 40 minutes respectively. How many minutes will it take to fill the tanker from empty state if B is used for half the time and A and B fill it together for the other half?
  • Part filled by (A + B) in 1 minute = (1/60 + 1/40)


    Suppose the tank is filled in x minutes.

    Then,  x/2(1/24 + 1/40) = 1

    => x/2 × 1/15 = 1

    => x = 30 min.

  • 89. One pipe can fill a tank three times as fast as another pipe. If together the two pipes can fill the tank in 36 minutes, then the slower pipe alone will be able to fill the tank in:
  • Let the slower pipe alone fill the tank in x minutes.

    Then, faster pipe will fill it in x/3 minutes.

    So, 1/x + 3/x = 1/36

    => 4/x = 1/36

    => x = 144 min

  • 90. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 15 minutes and 20 minutes respectively. Both the pipes are opened together but after 4 minutes, pipe A is turned off. What is the total time required to fill the tank?
  • Part filled in 4 minutes = 4(1/15 + 1/20)

    = 7/15.

    Remaining part = (1 – 7/15) = 8/15.

    Part filled by B in 1 minute = 1/20

    So, 1/20 : 8/15 :: 1 : x

    x = (8/15 x 1 x 20)

    = 10(2/3) min

    = 10 min. 40 sec.

    Therefore, The tank will be full in (4 min. + 10 min. + 40 sec.)

    = 14 min. 40 sec.

  • 91. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 and 30 minutes respectively. If both the pipes are used together, then how long will it take to fill the tank?
  • Part filled by A in 1 min = 1/20

    Part filled by B in 1 min = 1/30

    Part filled by (A + B) in 1 min = (1/20 + 1/30)

    = 1/12

    Both pipes can fill the tank in 12 minutes.

  • 92. Two pipes A and B together can fill a cistern in 4 hours. Had they been opened separately, then B would have taken 6 hours more than A to fill the cistern. How much time will be taken by A to fill the cistern separately?
  • Let the cistern be filled by pipe A alone in x hours.

    Then, pipe B will fill it in (x + 6) hours.

    So, 1/x + 1/(x + 6) = ¼

    => (x + 6 + x)/ x(x + 6) 4 = 1/4

    => x2 - 2x - 24 = 0

    => (x -6)(x + 4) = 0

    => x = 6. [neglecting the negative value of x]

  • 93. A tank is filled in 5 hours by three pipes A, B and C. The pipe C is twice as fast as B and B is twice as fast as A. How much time will pipe A alone take to fill the tank?
  • Suppose pipe A alone takes x hours to fill the tank.

    Then, pipes B and C will take x/2 and x/4 hours respectively to fill the tank.

    So, 1/x + 2/x + 4/x = 1/5

    => 7/x = 1/5

    => x = 35 hrs.

  • 94. Two pipes can fill a tank in 20 and 24 minutes respectively and a waste pipe can empty 3 gallons per minute. All the three pipes working together can fill the tank in 15 minutes. The capacity of the tank is:
  • Work done by the waste pipe in 1 minute = 1/15 (1/20 + 1/24)

     =(1/15 - 11/120)

    = - ¼ [-ve sign means emptying]

    So, Volume of 1/40 part = 3 gallons.

    Volume of whole = (3 x 40) gallons = 120 gallons.

  • 95. A tank is filled by three pipes with uniform flow. The first two pipes operating simultaneously fill the tank in the same time during which the tank is filled by the third pipe alone. The second pipe fills the tank 5 hours faster than the first pipe and 4 hours slower than the third pipe. The time required by the first pipe is:
  • Suppose, first pipe alone takes x hours to fill the tank .

    Then, second and third pipes will take (x -5) and (x - 9) hours respectively to fill the tank.

    So, 1/x + 1/(x - 5) = 1/(x - 9)

    => (x - 5 + x) / x(x - 5) = 1/(x – 9)

    => (2x - 5)(x - 9) = x(x - 5)

    => x2 - 18x + 45 = 0

    => (x - 15)(x - 3) = 0

    => x = 15. [neglecting x = 3]

  • 96. Two pipes A and B can fill a cistern in 37(1/2) minutes and 45 minutes respectively. Both pipes are opened. The cistern will be filled in just half an hour, if the B is turned off after:
  • Let B be turned off after x minutes. Then,

    Part filled by (A + B) in x min. + Part filled by A in (30 -x) min.= 1.

    So, x(2/75 + 1/45) + (30 - x) 2/75 = 1

    => 11x/225 + (60 -2x)/75 = 1

    => 11x + 180 - 6x = 225.

    => x = 9.

  • 97. A pump can fill a tank with water in 2 hours. Because of a leak, it took 2(1/3) hours to fill the tank. The leak can drain all the water of the tank in:
  • Work done by the leak in 1 hour =(1/2 - 3/7) = 1/14.

    So, Leak will empty the tank in 14 hrs.

  • 98. Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 5 and 6 hours respectively. Pipe C can empty it in 12 hours. If all the three pipes are opened together, then the tank will be filled in:
  • Net part filled in 1 hour  (1/5 + 1/6 – 1/12) = 17/60.

    So, The tank will be full in 60/17 hours

    i.e., 3(9/17) hours.

  • 99. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank from empty to full in 30 minutes, 20 minutes, and 10 minutes respectively. When the tank is empty, all the three pipes are opened. A, B and C discharge chemical solutions P,Q and R respectively. What is the proportion of the solution R in the liquid in the tank after 3 minutes?
  • Part filled by (A + B + C) in 3 minutes

    = 3 (1/30 + 1/20 + 1/10)

    = 3 x (11/60)

    = 11/20

     Part filled by C in 3 minutes = 3/10

    So, Required ratio = (3/10 x 20/11) = 6/11.

  • 100. 4 mat-weavers can weave 4 mats in 4 days. At the same rate, how many mats would be woven by 8 mat-weavers in 8 days?
  • 101. 36 men can complete a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days will 27 men complete the same work?
  • Let the required number of days be x.

    Less men, More days (Indirect Proportion)

    So, 27 : 36 :: 18 : x

    => 27 x x = 36 x 18

    => x = (36 x 18)/27

    => x = 24.

  • 102. An industrial loom weaves 0.128 metres of cloth every second. Approximately, how many seconds will it take for the loom to weave 25 metres of cloth?
  • Le the required time be x seconds.

    More metres, More time (Direct Proportion)

    So, 0.128 : 25 :: 1 : x

    => 0.128x = 25 x 1

    => x = 25/0.128 = (25 x 1000)/128

    => x = 195.31.

    So, Required time = 195 sec (approximately).

  • 103. In a camp, there is a meal for 120 men or 200 children. If 150 children have taken the meal, how many men will be catered to with remaining meal?
  • There is a meal for 200 children. 150 children have taken the meal.

    Remaining meal is to be catered to 50 children.

    Now, 200 children = 120 men.

    50 children=(120/200) x 50 = 30 men.

  • 104. A flagstaff 17.5 m high casts a shadow of length 40.25 m. The height of the building, which casts a shadow of length 28.75 m under similar conditions will be:
  • Let the height of the building x metres.

    Less lengthy shadow, Less in the height (Direct Proportion)

    So, 40.25 : 28.75 :: 17.5 : x

    => 40.25 x x = 28.75 x 17.5

    => x = (28.75 x 17.5)/40.25

    => x = 12.5

  • 105. If 7 spiders make 7 webs in 7 days, then 1 spider will make 1 web in how many days?
  • 106. A wheel that has 6 cogs is meshed with a larger wheel of 14 cogs. When the smaller wheel has made 21 revolutions, then the number of revolutions mad by the larger wheel is:
  • Let the required number of revolutions made by larger wheel be x.

    Then, More cogs, Less revolutions (Indirect Proportion)

    14 : 6 :: 21 : x

    => 14 x x = 6 x 21

    => x = (6 x 21)/14

    => x = 9.

  • 107. In a dairy farm, 40 cows eat 40 bags of husk in 40 days. In how many days one cow will eat one bag of husk?
  • 108. If a quarter kg of potato costs 60 paise, how many paise will 200 gm cost?
  • Let the required weight be x kg.

    Less weight, Less cost (Direct Proportion)

    So, 250 : 200 :: 60 : x

    => 250 x x = (200 x 60)

    So, x = (200 x 60)/250

    => x = 48.

  • 109. A man completes 5/8 of a job in 10 days. At this rate, how many more days will it takes him to finish the job?
  • Work done = 5/8

    Balance work = (1 – 5/8) = 3/8

    Let the required number of days be x.

    Then, 5/8 : 3/8 = :: 10 : x

    => 5/8 x x = 3/8                 x 10

    => x = (3/8 x 10 x 8/5)

    => x = 6.

  • 110. 39 persons can repair a road in 12 days, working 5 hours a day. In how many days will 30 persons, working 6 hours a day, complete the work?
  • 111. A fort had provision of food for 150 men for 45 days. After 10 days, 25 men left the fort. The number of days for which the remaining food will last, is:
  • 112. Running at the same constant rate, 6 identical machines can produce a total of 270 bottles per minute. At this rate, how many bottles could 10 such machines produce in 4 minutes?
  • 113. If the cost of x metres of wire is d rupees, then what is the cost of y metres of wire at the same rate?
  • Cost of x metres = Tk. d.

    Cost of 1 metre = Tk. (d/x)

    Cost of y metres = Tk. (d/x . y) = Tk. (yd/x).

  • 114. 3 pumps, working 8 hours a day, can empty a tank in 2 days. How many hours a day must 4 pumps work to empty the tank in 1 day?
  • 115. Twenty women can do a work in sixteen days. Sixteen men can complete the same work in fifteen days. What is the ratio between the capacity of a man and a woman?
  • (20 x 16) women can complete the work in 1 day.

    So, 1 woman's 1 day's work =1/320.

    (16 x 15) men can complete the work in 1 day.

    So, 1 man's 1 day's work = 1/240.

    So, required ratio = 1/240 : 1/320

    => 1/3 : 1/4

    = 4 : 3 (cross multiplied)

  • 116. A works twice as fast as B. If B can complete a work in 12 days independently, the number of days in which A and B can together finish the work in :
  • Ratio of rates of working of A and B = 2 : 1

    So, ratio of times taken = 1 : 2.

    B's 1 day's work =1/12.

    Therefore, A's 1 day's work = 1/6; (2 times of B's work)

    (A + B)'s 1 day's work = (1/6 + 1/12)

    = 3/12 =1/4.

    So, A and B together can finish the work in 4 days.

  • 117. A and B can do a piece of work in 30 days, while B and C can do the same work in 24 days and C and A in 20 days. They all work together for 10 days when B and C leave. How many days more will A take to finish the work?
  • 2(A + B + C)'s 1 day's work = (1/30 + 1/24 + 1/20) = 15/120 = 1/8.

    Therefore, (A + B + C)'s 1 day's work = 1/(2×8) = 1/16.

    Work done by A, B, C in 10 days =10/16 = 5/8.

    Remaining work = (1 - 5/8) =3/8.

    A's 1 day's work = (1/16 – 1/24) = 1/48.

    Now, 1 work is done by A in 1 day.

    So, 3/8 work will be done by A in (48 x 3/8) = 18 days.

  • 118. A and B can complete a work in 15 days and 10 days respectively. They started doing the work together but after 2 days B had to leave and A alone completed the remaining work. The whole work was completed in :
  • (A + B)'s 1 day's work = (1/15 + 1/10) = 1/6.

    Work done by A and B in 2 days =(1/6 x 2)=1/3.

    Remaining work = (1 – 1/3)=2/3.

    Now, 1/15 work is done by A in 1 day.

    Therefore, 2/3 work will be done by a in (15 x 2/3) = 10 days.

    Hence, the total time taken = (10 + 2) = 12 days.

  • 119. A takes twice as much time as B or thrice as much time as C to finish a piece of work. Working together, they can finish the work in 2 days. B can do the work alone in:
  • Suppose A, B and C take x, x/2 and x/3 days respectively to finish the work.

    Then, (1/x +2/x + 3/x) =                1/2

    => 6/x = 1/2

    => x = 12.

    So, B takes (12/2) = 6 days to finish the work.

  • 120. A and B together can do a piece of work in 30 days. A having worked for 16 days, B finishes the remaining work alone in 44 days. In how many days shall B finish the whole work alone?
  • Let A's 1 day's work = x and B's 1 day's work = y.

    Then, x + y = 1/30 and 16x + 44y = 1.

    Solving these two equations, we get: x = 1/60 and y = 1/60

    So, B's 1 day's work = 1/60.

    Hence, B alone shall finish the whole work in 60 days.

  • 121. A and B can do a job together in 7 days. A is 1(3/4) times as efficient as B. The same job can be done by A alone in :
  • (A's 1 day's work) : (B's 1 day's work) = (7/4) : 1 = 7 : 4.

    Let A's and B's 1 day's work be 7x and 4x respectively.

    Then, 7x + 4x = 1

    => 11x = 1/7

    => x = 1/77.

    Therefore, A's 1 day's work =(1/77)x 7 =1/11.

  • 122. X can do a piece of work in 40 days. He works at it for 8 days and then Y finished it in 16 days. How long will they together take to complete the work?
  • Work done by X in 8 days =(1/40 x 8) = 1/5.

    Remaining work = (1 – 1/5) = 4/5.

    Now, 4/5 work is done by Y in 16 days.

    Whole work will be done by Y in (16 x 5/4) = 20 days.

    Therefore, X's 1 day's work = 1/40,

    Y's 1 day's work = 1/20.

    So, (X + Y)'s 1 day's work = (1/40 + 1/20) = 3/40.

    Hence, X and Y will together complete the work in (40/3)

    = 13(1/3) days.

  • 123. A can finish a work in 24 days, B in 9 days and C in 12 days. B and C start the work but are forced to leave after 3 days. The remaining work was done by A in:
  • (B + C)'s 1 day's work = {(1/9) +(1/12)}  = 7/12.

    Work done by B and C in 3 days ={(7/36) x 3} = 7/12.

    Remaining work ={1 –(7/12)} = 5/12.

    Now, 1/24 work is done by A in 1 day.

    So, 5/12 work is done by A in {24 x (5/12)} = 10 days.

  • 124. A and B can do a work in 8 days, B and C can do the same work in 12 days. A, B and C together can finish it in 6 days. A and C together will do it in :
  • (A + B + C)'s 1 day's work = 1/6;

    (A + B)'s 1 day's work = 1/8;

    (B + C)'s 1 day's work = 1/12.

    Therefore, (A + C)'s 1 day's work

    = {2 x (1/6)} – {(1/8) + (1/12)}

    =(1/3 – 5/24)

    = 3/24


    So, A and C together will do the work in 8 days.

  • 125. Sakib can do a piece of work in 20 days. Tanya is 25% more efficient than Sakib. The number of days taken by Tanya to do the same piece of work is:
  • Ratio of times taken by Sakib and Tanya = 125:100 = 5 : 4.

    Suppose Tanya takes x days to do the work.

    5 : 4 :: 20 : x

    => x = (4 x 20)/5

    => x = 16 days.

    Hence, Tanya takes 16 days to complete the work.

  • 126. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 24, 6 and 12 days respectively. Working together, they will complete the same work in:
  • Formula: If A can do a piece of work in n days, then A's 1 day's work = 1/n.

    (A + B + C)'s 1 day's work = (1/24 + 1/6 + 1/12) = 7/24.

    Formula: If A's 1 day's work =1/n, then A can finish the work in n days.

    So, all the three together will complete the job in (24/7) Days =3(3/7) days.

  • 127. Ravi and Kumar are working on an assignment. Ravi takes 6 hours to type 32 pages on a computer, while Kumar takes 5 hours to type 40 pages. How much time will they take, working together on two different computers to type an assignment of 110 pages?
  • Number of pages typed by Ravi in 1 hour = 32/6 = 16/3

    Number of pages typed by Kumar in 1 hour = 40/5 = 8.

    Number of pages typed by both in 1 hour = (16/3 + 8) = 40/3.

    Therefore, Time taken by both to type 110 pages = (110 x 3/40) hours.

    = 8(1/4) hours (or) 8 hours 15 minutes.

  • 128. A is 30% more efficient than B. How much time will they, working together, take to complete a job which A alone could have done in 23 days?
  • Ratio of times taken by A and B = 100 : 130 = 10 : 13.

    Suppose B takes x days to do the work.

    Then, 10 : 13 :: 23 : x

    => x =(23 x 13)/10

    => x = 299/10.

    A's 1 day's work =1/23;

    B's 1 day's work =10/299.

    (A + B)'s 1 day's work = (1/23 + 10/299)


    Therefore, A and B together can complete the work in 13 days.

  • 129. X and Y can do a piece of work in 20 days and 12 days respectively. X started the work alone and then after 4 days Y joined him till the completion of the work. How long did the work last?
  • Work done by X in 4 days = (1/20 x 4) = 1/5.

    Remaining work =(1 – 1/5) = 4/5.

    (X + Y)'s 1 day's work = (1/20 + 1/12)

    = 8/60 = 2/15.

    Now, 2/15 work is done by X and Y in 1 day.

    So, 4/5 work will be done by X and Y in  (15/15 x  4/5)= 6 days

    Hence, total time taken = (6 + 4) days = 10 days.

  • 130. 10 women can complete a work in 7 days and 10 children take 14 days to complete the work. How many days will 5 women and 10 children take to complete the work?
  • 1 woman's 1 day's work = 1/70

    1 child's 1 day's work =1/140

    (5 women + 10 children)'s day's work = (5/70 + 10/140)

    =(1/14 + 1/14) = 1/7

    So,  5 women and 10 children will complete the work in 7 days.

  • 131. P can complete a work in 12 days working 8 hours a day. Q can complete the same work in 8 days working 10 hours a day. If both P and Q work together, working 8 hours a day, in how many days can they complete the work?
  • P can complete the work in (12 x 8) hrs. = 96 hrs.

    Q can complete the work in (8 x 10) hrs. = 80 hrs.

    P's1 hour's work =1/96 and Q's 1 hour's work =1/80.

    So, (P + Q)'s 1 hour's work = (1/96 + 1/80) = 11/480.

    So, both P and Q will finish the work in (480/11) hrs.

    Therefore, Number of days of 8 hours each = (480/11 x 1/8)

    = 60/11 days = 5(5/11) Days.

  • 132. A and B can together finish a work 30 days. They worked together for 20 days and then B left. After another 20 days, A finished the remaining work. In how many days A alone can finish the work?
  • (A + B)'s 20 day's work =(1/30 x20) = 2/3

    Remaining work = (1 -2/3) = 2/3.

    Now, 1/3 work is done by A in 20 days.

    Therefore, the whole work will be done by A in (20 x 3)

    = 60 days.

  • 133. 4 men and 6 women can complete a work in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women can complete it in 10 days. In how many days will 10 women complete it?
  • Let 1 man's 1 day's work = x and 1 woman's 1 day's work = y.

    Then, 4x + 6y =1/8 and 3x + 7y =1/10.

    Solving the two equations, we get: x =11/400, y=1/400

    So, 1 woman's 1 day's work =1/400

    => 10 women's 1 day's work = (1/400 x 10) =1/40.

    Hence, 10 women will complete the work in 40 days.

  • 134. A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do the same work in 15 days. B worked for 10 days and left the job. In how many days, A alone can finish the remaining work?
  • B's 10 day's work = (1/15 x 10)=2/3.

    Remaining work=(1- 2/3) = 1/3.

    Now, 1/18 work is done by A in 1 day.

    Therefore, 1/3 work is done by A in(18 x1/3)

    = 6 days.

  • 135. A machine P can print one lakh books in 8 hours, machine Q can print the same number of books in 10 hours while machine R can print them in 12 hours. All the machines are started at 9 A.M. while machine P is closed at 11 A.M. and the remaining two machines complete work. Approximately at what time will the work (to print one lakh books) be finished?
  • (P + Q + R)'s 1 hour's work = (1/8 + 1/10 +1/12) = 37/120

    Work done by P, Q and R in 2 hours = (37/120 ×2) = 37/60.

    Remaining work = (1 – 37/60) = 23/60

    (Q + R)'s 1 hour's work = (1/10 + 1/12) = 11/60.

    Now, 11/60 work is done by Q and R in 1 hour.

    So, 23/60 work will be done by Q and R in (60/11 × 23/60)

    =23/11 hours  ≈ 2 hours.

    So, the work will be finished approximately 2 hours after 11 A.M.,

     i.e., around 1 P.M.

  • 136. A does 80% of a work in 20 days. He then calls in B and they together finish the remaining work in 3 days. How long B alone would take to do the whole work?
  • Whole work is done by A in (20 x (5/4)) = 25 days.

    Now,  (1 – 4/5) i.e., 1/5 work is done by A and B in 3 days.

    Whole work will be done by A and B in (3 x 5) = 15 days.

    A's 1 day's work = 1/25, (A + B)'s 1 day's work = 1/15

    Therefore, B's 1 day's work = (1/15 – 1/25) = 4/150 = 2/75.

    So, B alone would do the work in 75/2 = 37(1/2) days.

  • 137. A can do a certain work in the same time in which B and C together can do it. If A and B together could do it in 10 days and C alone in 50 days, then B alone could do it in:
  • (A + B)'s 1 day's work = 1/10.

    C's 1 day's work = 1/50.

    (A + B + C)'s 1 day's work =(1/10 + 1/50)

    = 6/50 = 3/25 ……..... (i)

    A's 1 day's work = (B + C)'s 1 day's work .... (ii)

    From (i) and (ii), we get: 2 x (A's 1 day's work) = 3/25.

    A's 1 day's work =3/50.

    So, B's 1 day's work (1/10 – 3/50)

    = 2/50 = 1/25.

    So, B alone could do the work in 25 days.

  • 138. A can do a piece of work in 4 hours; B and C together can do it in 3 hours, while A and C together can do it in 2 hours. How long will B alone take to do it?
  • A's 1 hour's work=1/4;

    (B + C)'s 1 hour's work = 1/3;

    (A + C)'s 1 hour's work = 1/2

    (A + B + C)'s 1 hour's work = ((1/4)+(1/3)) = 7/12.

    B's 1 hour's work = (7/12 – 1/2)= 1/12

    Therefore, B alone will take 12 hours to do the work.

  • 139. If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2 days, the time taken by 15 men and 20 boys in doing the same type of work will be:
  • Let 1 man's 1 day's work = x and 1 boy's 1 day's work = y.

    Then, 6x + 8y = 1/10 and 26x + 48y = 1/2

    Solving these two equations, we get : x = 1/100 and y = 1/200

    (15 men + 20 boy)'s 1 day's work = (15/100) + (20/200) = 1/4

    So, 15 men and 20 boys can do the work in 4 days.

  • 140. A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to do it for Tk. 3200. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to C?
  • C's 1 day's work = (1/3)- {(1/6)+(1/8)} = (1/3) - 7 = 1/24.

    A's wages : B's wages : C's wages =1/6 : 1/8 : 1/24

    = 4 : 3 : 1.

    So, C's share (for 3 days) = Tk.{3 x (1/24) x 3200}

    = Tk. 400.

  • 141. A is thrice as good as workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 60 days less than B. Working together, they can do it in:
  • Ratio of times taken by A and B = 1 : 3.

    The time difference is (3 - 1) 2 days while B take 3 days and A takes 1 day.

    If difference of time is 2 days, B takes 3 days.

    If difference of time is 60 days, B takes (3/2)x 60 = 90 days.

    So, A takes 30 days to do the work.

    A's 1 day's work =1/30

    B's 1 day's work =1/90

    (A + B)'s 1 day's work =(1/30 + 1/90) = 4/90 = 2/45

    So, A and B together can do the work in 45/2 = 22(1/2) days.

  • 142. A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20, 30 and 60 days respectively. In how many days can A do the work if he is assisted by B and C on every third day?
  • A's 2 day's work = ((1/20) x 2) = 1/10

    (A + B + C)'s 1 day's work = (1/20+1/30+1/60)

    =6/60 = 1/10

    Work done in 3 days = (1/10 +    1/10)= 1/5

    Now, 1/5 work is done in 3 days.

    So, Whole work will be done in (3 x 5) = 15 days.

  • 143. A can lay railway track between two given stations in 16 days and B can do the same job in 12 days. With help of C, they did the job in 4 days only. Then, C alone can do the job in:
  • (A + B + C)'s 1 day's work = 1/4

    A's 1 day's work = 1/16

    B's 1 day's work = 1/12

    So,  C's 1 day's work =(1/4)-(1/16  + 1/12)

    = (1/4 – 7/48)=5/48

    So, C alone can do the work in   48/5 = 9(3/5) days.

  • 144. A can do a work in 15 days and B in 20 days. If they work on it together for 4 days, then the fraction of the work that is left is:
  • A's 1 day's work = 1/15;

    B's 1 day's work = 1/20;

    (A + B)'s 1 day's work = (1/15) + (1/20) = 7/60

    (A + B)'s 4 day's work = ((7/60) x 4) = 7/15.

    Therefore, Remaining work = (1 – 7/15) = 8/15

  • 145. The daily rate for a hotel room having 4 beds Tk. 390 for one person and X taka for each additional person. If 3 people take the room for one day and each pays Tk. 210 for the room then what is the value of X?
  • Total Paid = 3X210 = 630

    Basic Pay for one person= 390

    Additional for two persons= 240

    So additional for one person =120

  • 146. Susan can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. Mary can type 5 pages in 10 minutes. Working together, how many pages can they type in 30 minutes?
  • In one minute,
    Susan, does one page:


    Mary, does one page:


    So, both do :

    Net-work: (2+1/2)=5/2

    Thus ,

    1 minute work done: 5/2

    So, In 30-minutes :  30 * (5/2) = 75 pages

  • 147. If a light flashes every 6 seconds, how many times will it flash in ¾ of an hour?
  • There are 60 minutes in an hour.

    In ¾ of an hour there are (60 * ¾) minutes = 45 minutes.

    In ¾ of an hour there are (60 * 45) seconds = 2700 seconds.

    Light flashed for every 6 seconds.

    In 2700 seconds 2700/6 = 450 times.

    The count start after the first flash, the light will
    flashes 451 times in ¾ of an hour.

  • 148. A map has a scale of 1 cm to 30 km, What length on actual ground does a 3cm length on the map represent?
  • 1 cm = 30 km

    3 cm = (30 * 3) km

             = 90 km

  • 149. The cost of renting a small bus for a trip was Taka X which was to be shared equally by 16 persons. Actually 10 person availed the trip. How much more Taka will be the cost per person?
  • At first,

    16 persons = X taka

    1 person = X / 16 taka



    10 persons = X taka

    1 person = X / 10 taka


    The difference would be:

    (X/10) - (X/16) = (8X - 5X) / 80

                          = 3X / 80

  • 150. Shanto was asked to find the value of 7/12 of a sum of money. Instead of multiplying the same by 7/12, he devided it by 7/12 and his answer exceeded the correct answer by 95. The correct answer is—
  • Sum of money = X taka

    7/12 th of the money = (7* X) / 12

    Due to Shanto's mistake, he found the value of:

    12 / 7 th of the money = (12 * X) / 7



    (12*X)/7 - (7*X)/12 = 95

    or, (144X - 49X) / 84 = 95

    or, 95X / 84 = 95

    or, X = (95 * 84) / 95

    or, X = 84

  • 151. A pump removes water at a rate of 6 gallons per minute. How many hours will it take to remove 1800 gallons?
  • 6 gallons removed in 1 minute

    1800 gallons will be removed in 1800 / 6 minutes

                                                            = 300 minutes

                                                            = (300 / 60) hours

  • 152. Jesmin spent one-third of her money on books and half of the remaining money on clothing. She then spent three-fourth of what she had left on food. She had 500 left over. How much money did she start with?
  • Let us consider that she had x at the beginning.

    She spent on books= x/3

    Remainder after books purchase= (x - x/3)

    She spent on clothing= (x - x/3) / 2

    Remainder after cloth purchase = (x - x/3) / 2

    She spent on food= 3[(x - x/3) / 2] / 4 = 3[(x - x/3) / 8] = (3x - x) / 8

                                                                                 = 2x / 8

  • 153. In the last week of the month, a car dealer sold 12 cars. A new sales promotion came out the first week of the next month and he sold 19 cars that week. What was the percent increase in sales from the last week of the previous month compared to the first week of the next month?
  • 154. A ferry can carry 24 buses or 36 cars at a time. If there are 18 buses on the ferry, how many cars can be loaded onto it?
  • 24 buses = 36 cars

    or, 1 bus = 36 / 24 cars = 3 /2 cars

    Ferry is loaded with 18 buses.
    Ferry has free space in terms of buses = (24 - 18) buses

                                                              = 6 buses


    1 bus = 3 /2 cars

    6 buses = 3*6 / 2 cars

                 = 18 / 2 cars = 9 cars

  • 155. A picnic was arranged by m students. The cost of the picnic was estimated to be y taka. Unfortunately, Z students withdrew their names from the picnic. How many more taka would each of the would each of the remaining students have to pay?
  • At first,
    Each student had to give = y/m taka

    After z students backing out,

    Each students had to give = y/(m-z)

    Thus, the amount the remaining students have to pay more = y/(m-z) - y/m

  • 156. An examiner checks 4 scripts in 5/3 hours. How many scripts can he check in 50 minutes?
  • 5/3 hours = 60 * 5/3 Minutes

                   = 100 minutes

    In 100 minutes, he checks 4 scripts

    In 50 minutes, he checks 4*50/100 scripts

                                          = 2 scripts

  • 157. Jamal needs 8 hours to do a job. Kamal takes 10 hours to do the same job. How long should it take Kamal & Jamal working together to do the job?
  • In 8 hours, Jamal does 1 job

    In 1 hour, Jamal does 1/8 job


    In 10 hours, Kamal does 1 job

    In 1 hour, Kamal does 1/10 job.


    In 1 hour, together they will do (1/8 + 1/10) job

                                                     = 18 / 80 job

                                                     = 9/40 job

    Thus Together,

    They do 9/40 job in 1 hour

    They do 1 job in 40/9 hours


  • 158. How much will it cost to fence in a field that is 12 feet long and 42 feet wide with fence that cost $10 a yard?
  • 1 yard = 3 feet

    Length of the field = 12 feet

                                   = 4 yard

    Width of the field = 42 feet

                                 = 42/3 yard

                                 = 14 yard

    Now, Total length of the fence = (2*4) + (2*14) yards


  • 159. A company makes a profit of 7% selling goods which cost Tk. 2000; it also makes a profit of 6% selling a machine that cost the company Tk. 5000. How much total profit did the company make on both transactions?
  • Profit from first transaction = 2000 * 7% = 2000 * 7/100 = 140 tk

    Profit from second transaction = 5000 * 6% = 5000 * 6/100 = 300 tk

    So, Total pofit = 140 + 300 tk = 440 tk

  • 160. If 3 apples cost 19 cents, how many apples can be purchased for $ 1.52?
  • 19 cents

    or, $0.19 for 3 apples

    then, $1.52 for 3 * 1.52 / 0.19 apples

                            = 24 apples

  • 161. A pipe of 2 inch diameter fills a water tank in one hour. If the diameter of the pipe is 4 inch in what time the pipe fill the same tank?    
  • For the first pipe, the area is: Pi * 22 = Pi * 4

    For the second pipe, the area is: Pi * 42 = Pi * 16


    pipe with Pi * 4 sq. inch area can fill the tank in 1 hour or 60 min

    pipe with Pi * 16 sq. inch area can fill the tank in 1 hour or (60 * Pi * 4) / (Pi * 16) min

    = (60 / 4) min

    = 15 minutes

  • 162. Rashid can do a piece of work in 8 days, which Tipu can finish in 12 days. If they work at it on alternate days with Rashid beginning, in how many days, the work will be finished?
  • 163. Together, Andrea and Brian weight p pounds. Brian weights 10 pounds more than Andrea. Brain and Andrea’s dog, Cubby, weights p/4 pounds more than Andrea. In terms of p, what is Cubby’s weight in pounds?
  • since "Brian and Cubby" form a plural noun and require a plural verb.

    So, now that we know how to interpret the question, our equations are:

    A + B = P

    B = A + 10

    C = A + P/4

    We want to solve for C, so let's get rid of A and B by getting A in terms of P and then subbing into the Cubby equation:

    A + 10 = B

    A + A + 10 = P

    2A = P - 10

    A = P/2 - 5

    C = P/2 - 5 + P/4

    C = (2P/4) + P/4 - 5

    C = (2P + P)/4 - 5

    C = 3P/4 - 5

  • 164. The number of flights leaving a certain airport doubles during every one-hour period between its 9 am opening and noon; after noon, the number of flights leaving from the airport doubles during every two-hour period if 4 flights left from the airport between 9 am and 10 am, how many flights left airport between 2 pm and 4 pm?
  • Doubles every hour between 9 and 12, doubles every 2 hours after 12

    9-10 : 4 flights : given

    10-11: 8 flights : double the number between 9-10

    11-12: 16 flights : double the number between 10 : 11

    12-2 : 32 flights : etc.

    2-4 : 64 flights

    64 flights left the airport in the period from 2pm to 4pm.

  • 165. For all natural value of n, the number n2+n+3 is
  • 166. P,Q and R start a business. P invests 3.5 times as much as Q invests and Q invests one-third of what R does. If the gross profit is Tk. 1545, determine the share of P.
  • 167. A certain stock food items is sufficient for 40 men for 12 days. Assuming the eating capacity of all the men to be same, find for how many days the food stock will last if an additional 15 men join the group?
  • 40 men can finish the stock in 12 days

    1 men can finish the stock in 12*40 days

    55 men can finish the stock in 12*40/55 days

                                             = 8.727272728

                                             = 88/11

  • 168. After being dropped, a certain ball always bounces back to 2/5 of the height of its previous bounce. After the first bounce it reach a height of 125 inches. How high (in inches) will it reach after its fourth bounce?
  • The required height =  (2/5)3 * 125 inches

                               = 8 inches

  • 169. In a certain country, a person is born every 7 seconds and a person dies in every 13 seconds. Therefore, the birth and death rates amount for a population growth rate of one person every-
  • 170. A 12 gallon tub has a faucet that lets water in at a rate of 3 gallons per minute, and has a drain that lets water out at a rate of 1.5 gallons per minute. If you start with 3 gallons of water in the tub, how long will it take to fill the tub completely?
  • Tub's total capacity = 12 gallon. Question dictates Tub has 3 gallons already filled up. So we have to find out what time it takes to fill up rest 9 gallon (12-3) considering the faucet and drain.

    As given for faucet, it takes 1 min to fill up 3 gallons

    and it takes 1 min to drain 1.5 gallons.

    So within 1 min the tub actually fills 1.5 gallons (3-1.5)


    Now 1.5 gallons are filled up in 1 min

             1 gallon is filled up in 1/1.5 min

     so    9 gallons are filled up in (1/1.5) *9 mins = 6 mins (ANS)

  • 171. A man completes 5/8 of a job in 10 days. At this rate, how many more days will it take him to finish the job?
  • 5/8 of a job in  10 days
    1 or full work in 8x10/5=16 days
    so,more days needed=(16-10)=6 days

  • 172. If 8 men can reap 80 hectars in 24 days, then how many hectars can 36 men reap in 30 days?
  • 8 man can reap in 24 days total 80 hectors

    1 man can reap in 1 days total 80/8x24 hectors
    36 man can reap in 30 days total 80x30x36/8x24 hectors=450 hectors


  • 173. P এবং Q এর একটি কাজ একা সম্পন্ন করতে সময় লাগে যথাক্রমে ১৫ দিন ও ১০ দিন। তারা একসঙ্গে কাজটি ৩দিন করার পর P অন্যত্র চলে যায়। অবশিষ্ট কাজ Q একা সম্পন্ন করে। সমগ্র কাজটি সমাপ্ত হতে কত সময় লাগলো। 
  • P একা ১৫ দিনে করে ১ টি কাজ

             ১ দিনে করে ১/১৫ টি কাজ

    আবার, Q একা ১০ দিনে করে ১ টি কাজ

             ১ দিনে করে ১/১০ টি কাজ

    ২ জন একত্রে কাজ করলে, ১ দিনে সম্পন্ন করে (১/১৫ + ১/১০) কাজ

                          = (২ + ৩) / ৩০ কাজ

                          = ৫ / ৩০ কাজ

                          = ১ / ৬ কাজ

    ৩ দিনে সম্পন্ন করে =  ৩ * (১/৬) = ১ / ২

    এখন, কাজ বাকি থাকে = (১ - ১/২)=১/২ অংশ

    Q ১/১০ অংশ দিনে করে ১ দিনে

    "   ১ অংশ "    " = ১০ "

    সুতরাং " ১/২ "  =

  • 174. A tank is fitted with 8 pipes, some of them that fill the tank and others that are waste pipe meant to empty the tank. Each of the pipe that fill the tank can fill it in 8 hours, while each of those that empty the tank can empty it in 6 hours. If all the pipes are kept open when the tank is full, it will take exactly 6 hours for the tank to empty. How many of these are fill pipes? 
  • here,
    total pipe=8
    pipe that fiils the tank =x
    so pipes that empty the tnk=8-x
    according to question,
    in 8 hours fills  1 tank
    in 1 hour   fills  1/8 tank
    so,x number of pipe  feels  x/8 part of tank in 1 hour
    (8-x) number of pipes empty   8-x/6 part of the tank in 1 hour
    x/8-(8-x)/ 6=1/5
    so, pipe that fiils the tank =4

  • 175. Two pipes A & B can fill a tank in 15 minutes & 20 minutes respectively. Both the pipes are opened together but after 4 minutes , pipe A is turned off. What is the total time required to fill the tank  
  • Part filled in 4 mins = 4(1/15 + 1/20) = 7/15

    Remaining part = 1 - 7/15 = 8/15

    Part Filled by B in 1 min 1/20


    1/20 : 8/15 = 1: x

    x = 10 min 40 sec

    total time 14 min 40 sec

  • 176. A & B can do a work in 8 days, B & C can do the same work in 12 days. A, B & C together can finish it in 6 days. A & C together will do it in :
  • in 1 day,

    A + B = 1/8 

    B + C = 1/12

    A + B + C = 1/6

    Only A does in 1 day = (1/6 - 1/12) = 1/12

    Only B does in 1 day = (1/8 - 1/12) = 1/24

    Only C does in 1 day = (1/12- 1/24) = 1/24

    So Both A & C do in 1 day = (1/12 + 1/24) = 3/24 = 1/8

    So they complete the job in 8 days

  • 177. 36 men can complete a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days will 27 men complete the same work?
  • 36 men can do a work in 18 days
    1 men can do a work in 18x36 days
    27 men can do a work in 18x36/27 days=24 days

  • 178. If 7 spiders make 7 webs in 7 days, then 1 spider will make 1 web in how many days?
  • 7 spider make 7 webs in 7 days
    7 spider makes 1 web in 7/7 days
    1 spider makes 1 web in 7x7/7days=7 days

  • 179. Which of the following is not a leap year?
  • সব গুলোই Leap year.

  • 180. 4 mat-weavers can weave 4 mats 4 day. At the same rate, how many mats would be woven by 8 mat-weavers in 8 days?
  • 4 mat-weavers can weave 4 mats in 4 day
    so,8 mat-weavers can weave 8 mats in 8 day

  • 181. Peter purchased a machine for Tk. 80,000 and spent Tk. 5000 on repair and Tk. 1000 on transport and sold it with 25% profit. At what price did he sell the machine?
  • total cost= (80,000+5000+1000) tk  = 86,000 tk
    at 25% profit,
    if buying price 100 tk then selling price 125 tk
    if buying price 1 tk then selling price 125/100 tk
    if buying price 86,000 tk then selling price 125 x86,000/100 tk=107500 tk

  • 182. If 3 men or 6 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days, working 7 hours a day; how many days will it take to complete a piece of work twice as large with 6 men and 2 boys working together for 8 hours a day?
  • here,
    3 man=6 boys
    so,1 men=6/3 boys
    so,6 men=6x6/3=12 boys
    so,6 men +2 boys=12+2=14boys
    6 boys complete the work in 70 hours
    1 boys complete the work in 70x6 hours
    14 boys complete the work in 70x6/14 hours=30 hours
    to do double work needs=30x2=60 hhours
    total days=60/8=7.5 days

  • 183. 10 men can survive for 24 days on 15 cans of food. How many total cans are needed for 8 men to survive 36 days?
  •  ১৫ টি ক্যান ১০ জন মানুষের যায় ২৪ দিন
     ১ টি ক্যান ১ জন মানুষের যায় ২৪ x ১০ /১৫ দিন =১৬দিন
     ১৬ দিনে ১ জন মানুষের যায় ১ টি  ক্যান
      ১ দিনে ১ জন মানুষের যায় ১/১৬ টি  ক্যান
     ৩৬ দিনে ৮ জন মানুষের যায় ১x৩৬x৮/১৬ টি ক্যান= ১৮ টি ক্যান     

  • 184. A machine can copy six pages in 9 second. How many pages can it copy in 24 minutes?
  • ২৪ মিনিট=২৪ x ৬০ = 
    ৯ সেকেন্ডে কপি করে ৬ পেজ
    ১ সেকেন্ডে কপি করে ৬/৯ পেজ
    ১৪৪০ সেকেন্ডে কপি করে ৬ x ১৪৪০/৯ পেজ=৯৬০পেজ

  • 185. Asif can do a job 15 hours, and Russel can do the same job in 9 hours. If they start doing the job together at 6 am. At what time will Asif finish the job?
  • Asif  does in 1 hour does 1/15 part of the work
    Asif  does in 3 hour does 3/15 or 1/5 part of the work
    Russel  does in 1 hour 1/9 part of the work
    Russel  does in 1 hour 3/9 or 1/3 part of the work
    both of them together do (1/5+1/3) part of work=8/15 part of work
    work remaining = (1-8/15)=7/15  part of work
    asif does 1 or full part in 15 hours
    Asif does 7/15 part  15x7/15=7 hours
    so , work will finish at = 9a.m+7 hr=4 pm  

  • 186. At a store, Mimi paid Tk. 100 for 5 oranges. If oranges are usually sold at Tk. 216 per dozen, How much extra/ less did she pay?
  • real selling price of 1 orange is = 216/12=18 tk
    price of 5 oranges= 5x18=90 tk
    mini paid for 5 oranges=100 tk
    so,she paid = (100-90)tk =10 tk extra  

  • 187. যদি ১০ জন লোক ৭ দিনে একটি কাজের অর্ধেক সম্পন্ন করতে পারে, তবে ঐ কাজটি ৫ দিনে সম্পন্ন করতে কতজন লোকের প্রয়োজন হবে?
  • ১/২ কাজ করে ৭ দিনে
    ১ বা সম্পূর্ণ কাজ করে ৭x২=১৪ দিনে
    কাজটি ১৪ দিনে সম্পন্ন করতে পারে ১০ জন
    কাজটি  ১ দিনে সম্পন্ন করতে পারে ১০x১৪ জন
    কাজটি ৫ দিনে সম্পন্ন করতে পারে ১০x১৪/৫ জন=২৮ জন

  • 188. If a sprinter takes 30 steps in 9 seconds, how many steps does he take in 54 seconds?
  • In 9 seconds, he takes 30 steps

    In 54 seconds, he takes 30*54/9 steps

                                      = 180 steps

  • 189. How many ounces of water must be added to a 30-ounce solution that is 40 percent alcohol to dilute the solution to 25 percent alcohol?
  • 190. A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled, three more similar taps are opened. What is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?
  • Time taken by one tap to fill half of the tank = 3 hrs.

    Part filled by the four taps in 1 hour = 4x 1/6 = 2/3 

    Remaining Part = 1/2

  • 191. A man can row at 5 km/hr in still water. If the velocity of the current is 1 km/hr and it takes him 1 hour to row to a place and come back, how far is the place?
  • Speed downstream = (5 + 1) kmph = 6 kmph.

    Speed upstream = (5 - 1) kmph = 4 kmph.

    Let the required distance be x km.


  • 192. Three workers can do a job in 12 days. Two of the workers work twice as fast as the third. How long would it take one of the faster workers to do the job himself?
    • 193. Kibria went to the stationers and bought things worth Tk. 25, out of which 30 paisa was sales tax on taxable items. If the tax rate is 6%, then what was the cost of the tax free items?
    • Let the amount taxable purchases be Rs. x.


      Then, 6% of x = 30



      x = 30 x 100
      • 194. A can do a piece of work in 4 hours; B and C together can do it in 3 hours, while A and C together can do it in 2 hours. How long will B alone take to do it?
      • A's 1 hour's work =





        (B + C)'s 1 hour's work =





        (A + C)'s 1 hour's work =





        (A + B + C)'s 1 ho

        • 195. An industrial loom weaves 0.128 metres of cloth every second. Approximately, how many seconds will it take for the loom to weave 25 metres of cloth?
        • the required time be x seconds.

          More metres, More time (Direct Proportion)

          0.128 : 25 :: 1 : x       0.128x = 25 x 1


          x = 25 = 25 x 1000
          0.128 128

          Le the required time be x seconds.

          More metres, More time (Direct Proportion)

          Descr					</li>


												<ul class=

        • 196. 50 men took a dip in a water tank 40m long and 20m broad on a religious day. If the average displacement of water by a man is 4 m3, then the rise in the water level in the tank will be-
        • Total volume of water displaced = (4 x 50) m3 = 200 m3.

          Rise in water level = 200/(40*20) m = 0.25 m = 25 cm

        • 197. A water tank can be filled by two pipes A and B in 60 minutes and 40 minutes respectively. How many minutes will it take to fill the tank from empty state if B is used for half the time, and A and B fill it together for the other half?
        • Let the total time be x mins.
          Part filled in first half means in x/2 = 1/40

          Part filled in second half means in x/2 = (1/60 + 1/40) = 1/24

          (x/2 * 1/40) + (x/2 + 1/24) = 1

          x/2 * (1/40 + 1/24) = 1

          x/2 * 1/15 = 1

          x = 30 mins

        • 198. How many liters of fuel are needed for a steamer to sail 2400 kilometers if it uses 40 liters of fuel to sail 320 kilometers?
        • 199. A man can do a piece of work in 5 days. But with the help of his son, he can do it in 3 days. In what time can the son do it alone?
        • A man can do a piece of work in 1 days=1/5 part

          Both can do a piece of work in 1 days=1/3part

          son do it alone=(1/3-1/5) part

                                =2/15 part

          2/15 part done it in 1 days

          1 part done in= 15/2 days=7.5 days


        • 200. The average of the first nine prime numbers is:
        • The average of the first nine prime numbers is:(2+3+5+7+11+13+17+19+ 23)/9


        • 201. To fill a tank, 25 buckets of water is required. How many buckets of water will be required to fill the same tank if the capacity of the bucket is reduced to two-fifth of its present?
        • Let the capacity of 1 bucket = x.

          Then, the capacity of tank = 25x.

          New capacity of bucket = 2x/5

           Required number of buckets = 25x/(2x/5)

          = 62.5

        • 202. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 and 30 minutes respectively. If both the pipes are used together, then how long will it take to fill the tank?
        • shortcut=xy/x+y



        • 203. Two workers A and B are engaged to do a work. A working alone takes 8 hours more to complete the job than if both worked together. If B worked alone he would need 4.5 hours more to complete the job than they both working together. What time would they take to do the work together?
        • Let,

          It takes x hours to complete the job when  A and Bboth worked together.

          A working alone takes x+8

          B  working alone takes x+4.5

          A's works in 1 hour=1/(x+8)

          Bs works in 1 hour=1/(x+4.5)

          (A+B)'s works in 1 hour=1/x

          we get,


          so, x=6

        • 204. If 18 pumps can raise 2170 tones of water in 10 days, working 7 hours a day; in how many days will 16 pumps raise 1736 tones of water, working 9 hours a day?
        • 18 pumps can raise 2170 tones of water working 7 hours in 10 days

          16 pumps raise 1736 tones of water, working 9 hours in=(10×18×7×1736)/(2170×16×9)

          =7 days


        • 205. 2 large and 1 small pimps can fill a water tank in 4 hours. One large and 3 small pumps can also fill the same water tank in 4 hours. How many hours will it take for 3 large and 4 small pumps to fill the
        • 206. Which of the following fractions is the equivalent of 0.005%?
        • 207. Farid can complete a job in 12 hours, and Jibon can complete the same job in 8 hours. Farid starts the job at 9 a.mv and stops working at 3 p.m. If Jibon starts working at 4 p.m. to complete the remaining job, at what time is the job finished?
        • 208. A man ate 100 bananas in five days, each day eating 6 more than the previous day. How many bananas did he eat on the first day?
        • Let, no of  bananas on first day is x




        • 209. 3 pumps, working 8 hours a day, can empty a tank in 2 days. How many hours a day must 4 pumps work to empty the tank In 1 day?
        • 210. Running at the same constant rate, 6 identical machines can produce a total of 270 bottles per minute. At this rate, how many bottles could 10 such machines produce in 4 minutes?
        • 211. If the market price is Tk.25, the revenue of selling five units in Taka is
        • 212. Rice is now being sold at Taka 20 a kg. During last month its rate was Taka 16 per kg. By how much percent should a family reduce its consumption so as to keep the expenditure fixed?
        • Expenditure must be fixed in percentage

          = (16/20) X 100= 80 

          .:. (100-80) = 20% is reduced

        • 213. How many days a bag of chicken food can feed 12 chickens if a bag feeds 18 chickens for 54 days?
        • If a bag of chcken food is divided among 18 chickens, then it lasts 54 days.

          If It is given to 1` chicken, it will last (54*18) days

                                                           = 972 days


          If again, the bag of chicekn food is divided among 12 chickens, the days will be divided by 12.


          Days = 972/12

                   = 81

        • 214. A cycle costs Tk. 2500 when it is new. At the end of each year it is worth 4/5th of its beginning value. What is the cycle worth in Taka when it is 3 years old?
        • A cycle costs Tk. 2500 when it is new. '

          At the end of each year it is worth 4/5th of its beginning value.

          at the end of 1st year -> 2500*4/5 = 2000

          at the end of 2nd year -> 2000*4/5 = 1600

          At the end of 3rd year -> 1600*4/5 = 1280

        • 215. Karim can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. Rahim can type 5 pages in 10 minutes. Working together, how many pages can they type in 30 minutes ?
        • For Karim,

          5 mintues= 10 pages

          30 minutes= 10*30/5 = 60 pages

          For Rahim,

          10 minutes= 5 pages

          30 minutes= 5*30/10 = 15 pages


          Total pages= 60+15 pages = 75 pages

        • 216. You can now buy 5 more oranges with TK. 75 due to reduction in price by 20 percent. Calculate the current price of one dozen of oranges?
        • 20% of 75 tk is: 75*20/100

                                = 15 tk


          one can buy 5 oranges with 15 tk.

          one can buy 1 orange with 15/5 tk = 3 tk



          Price of 1 orange is 3 tk

          Price of 12 oranges (1 dozen) is 3*12 tk = 36 tk

        • 217. Three partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 5:7:8. They had partnership for 14 months, 8 months and 7 months respectively. What was the ratio of their investments?
        • Let their investments be tk. x for 14 months, tk. y for 8 months and tk. z for 7 months respectively.

          After equating the profits, we left with,

          14x : 8y : 7z = 5 : 7 : 8.

          => x=5/14 , y=7/8, z=8/7.

          take l.c.m of 14,8,7. we get 56.

          x = 5/14*56 = 20.

          y = 7/8*56 = 49.

          z = 8/7*56 = 64.

          So, investments x:y:z = 20:49:64.

        • 218. A and B invest in a business in the ratio 3:2 if 5% of the total profit goes to charity and A's share is tk 855, the total profit is:
        • Profit of A = (3*Total Profit * 95%)/(3+2)

          => 855 = 3*Total Profit*0.95/5

          => Total Profit = 1500

        • 219. Running at same constant rate, 6 identical machines can provide a total of 270 bottles per minute. At this rate how many bottles could 10 such machines produce in 4 minutes? 
        • 6 identical machines can produce a total of 270 bottles per minute

          -> Hence 1 machine can produce 270/6 bottles per min

          how many bottles could 10 such machines produce in 4 minutes

          -> 10 * 4 * 270/6
          = 1800

        • 220. In order to obtain an income of tk 650 from 10% stock at tk 96,one must make an investment of :
        • To obtain Tk. 10, investment = tk. 96.

          To obtain Tk. 650, investment = tk. 96/10 x 650 = tk. 6240.

        • 221. In the first 10 overs of a cricket game the run rate was only 3.2.what should be the run rate in the remaining 40 over to reach the target of 282 runs ?
        • In the first 10 overs of a cricket game the run rate was only 3.2

          Runs after 10 overs = 32

          Target 282

          So in 40 overs the team has to make (282-32) = 250

          Required Run rate = 250/40 =6.25

        • 222. Pipe A can fill a tank in 20 minutes and pipe B in 30 minutes and pipe C can empty the same in 40 minutes. If all of them work together, find the time taken to fill the tank.  
        • Pipe I 20 minutes
          She does 1/20 job in 1 min
          Pipe II 30 minutes 
          He does 1/30 of the job in 1 min
          Pipe III 40 minutes

          It does 1/40 of the job in 1 min

          Together they will do 1/20 + 1/30 - 1/40
          Together they will do 7/120 of the job in 1 min
          So they will take 120/7 minutes=  17 1/minutes 


        • 223. An empty swimming pool with a capacity of 5,760 gallons is filled at a rate of 12 gallons per minute.how many hours does it take to fill the pool to capacity ?
        • 224. If the population of a certain country increases at the rate of one person every 15 seconds,by how many persons does the population increase in 20 minute ?
        • 225. Maria purchased brand X pens for tk 4.00 apiece and brand Y pens for tk. 2.80 apiece. If Maria purchased a total of 12 of those pens for tk. 42.00, how many brand X pens did she purchase? 
        • 226. You can now buy 5 more mangoes with tk 75 due to reduction in price by 20 percent. Calculate the current price of one dozen of mangoes.
        • 227. একটি নৌকা স্রোতের প্রতিকূলে ৬ ঘণ্টায় যায় ২৪ কি.মি.। একই নৌকা স্রোতের অনুকূলে ৪ ঘণ্টায় একই দূরত্ব অতিক্রম করে। নৌকার বেগ ঘণ্টায় কত কি.মি? 
        • একটি নৌকা স্রোতের প্রতিকূলে ৬ ঘণ্টায় যায় ২৪ কি.মি

          একটি নৌকা স্রোতের প্রতিকূলে ১ ঘণ্টায় যায় ২৪/৬ বা, ৪ কি.মি


          নৌকাটি স্রোতের অনুকূলে ৪ ঘণ্টায় যায় ২৪ কি.মি

          নৌকাটি স্রোতের অনুকূলে ১ ঘণ্টায় যায় ২৪/৪ বা, ৬ কি.মি

          যদি, নৌকার বেগ = ক

          স্রোতের বেগ = খ


          ক + খ = ৪ ............................ (১)

          ক - খ = ৬ ............................ (২)

          (১) এবং (২) যোগ করে পাই,

          ২*ক = ১০

          বা, ক = ১০/২ = ৫

        • 228. দুটি পাইপ দ্বারা একটি ৪০০ লিটারের ট্যাংক যথাক্রমে ২ ও ৪ ঘণ্টায় ভর্তি হয়। অপর একটি পাইপ এটিকে ৮ ঘণ্টায় খালি করতে পারে। সবগুলো পাইপ একসাথে খুলে দিলে ১ ঘন্টা পর ট্যাংকটিতে কতটুকু পানি অবশিষ্ট থাকবে? 
        • প্রথম পাইপ,

          ২ ঘণ্টায় ভরে ৪০০ লিটার

          ১ ঘণ্টায় ভরে ২০০ লিটার

          দ্বিতীয় পাইপ,

          ৪ ঘণ্টায় ভরে ৪০০ লিটার

          ১ ঘণ্টায় ভরে ১০০ লিটার


          তৃতীয় পাইপ,

          ৮ ঘণ্টায় খালি করে ৪০০ লিটার

          ১ ঘণ্টায় খালি করে ৫০ লিটার


          সবগুলো পাইপ একসাথে খুলে দিলে ১ ঘন্টা পর ট্যাংকটিতে পানি অবশিষ্ট থাকবে = (২০০ + ১০০ - ৫০) লিটার

                   = (৩০০ - ৫০) লিটার    = ২৫০ লিটার

        • 229. A pump can fill a tank with water in 2 hours. Because of a leak, it took 2(1/3)hours to fill the tank. The leak can drain all water of the tank in:
        • Work done by the leak in 1 hour = (1/2 - 3/7) = 1/14

          Leak will empty the tank in 14 hrs.

        • 230. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 24, 6 and 12 days respectively. Working together, they will complete the same work in:
        • If A can do a piece of work in n days, then A's 1 day's work = 1/n

          (A + B + C)'s 1 day's work = (1/24 + 1/6 + 1/12) = 7/24

          So, all the three together will complete the job in 24/7 days

          or, 33/7

        • 231. If 5 men or 9 women can do a piece of work in 19 days, then in how many days will 3 men and 6 women do the same work?
        • 5 men = 19 days

          3 men = 5/3 X 19 = 31.67 days

          9 women = 19 days

          6 women = 9/6 X 19 = 28.5 days

          3 men + 6 women in 1 day = 1/31.67 + 1/28.5 =

          = 0.0315756 + 0.0350877 = 0.0666633

          = 667 / 10,000

          So they will complete the work in 10,000/667 = 14.99 days

        • 232. A certain amount is distributed among A, B and C.A gets 3/10 and B gets ¼ of the whole amount. If C gets Tk. 81, then B gets:
        • If whole amount is x

          Then C gets = x - 3x/10 - x/4

                              = (40x - 12x -10x)/40

                              = 18x/40

          Now, A/Q,

          18x/40 = 81 tk

          18x = 81*40 = 3240

          x = 3240/18 = 180


          B gets = x/4 = 180/4 = 45 tk

        • 233. In dividing a sum of money, the eldest of three brothers got 2/5th of it and the youngest got tk. 120. What was the total sum in tk, if the amount received by the other brother was 1/3rd of the total?
        • Let total amount be x

          Then, A/Q,

          x - 2x/5 - x/3 = 120

          => (15x - 6x - 5x)/15 = 120

          => 4x/15 = 120

          => x = 120*15/4 = 450

        • 234. The average Selim’s marks in 7 subjects is 75. His average in six subjects excluding Science is 72. How many did he get in science?
        • 235. The rent of a guest house was tk 50 per day for first three days tk 100 per day for next 5 days and tk 300 per day for other days. The registration fee in the beginning is tk 50. If one has to pay tk1300, for how many days he availed of this facility?
        • Payment without the registration fee = 1300 - 50 = 1250 tk

          Now, Total Cost of first 3 days = 3*50 = 150 tk

          Total Cost of next 5 days = 5*100 = 500 tk

          Thus, Total cost of first 8 days = 500+150 = 650 tk

          We can see that the person surely stayed at least 8 days.

          Remaider of the payment is = (1250-650) = 600 tk

          Now, Afterward each day costs 300 tk.

          Thus, with the remainder of money person could stay = (600/300) days

          = 2 days

          Thus, Total days of the person's stay = 8 + 2 = 10

        • 236. A is thrice as good as workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 60 days less than C. Working together, they can do it in:
        • Ratio of times taken by A and B = 1 : 3.

          The time difference is (3 - 1) 2 days while B take 3 days and A takes 1 day.

          If difference of time is 2 days, B takes 3 days.

          If difference of time is 60 days, B takes 3/2 x 60 = 90 days.

          So, A takes 30 days to do the work.

          A's 1 day's work = 1/30

          B's 1 day's work = 1/90

          (A + B)'s 1 day's work = 1/30 + 1/90 = 4 = 2/45

           A and B together can do the work in 45/2 = 22 1/2 days.

        • 237. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days while A alone can do it in 20 days. How long will B alone take to finish the work?
        • In 12 days, A and B can do 1 job.

          In 1 day, A and B can do 1/12 job.


          In 20 days, A can do 1 job

          In 1 day, A can do 1/20 job

          In 1 day, B alone can do (1/12 - 1/20) job

                                                 = (10-6)/120 job

                                                 = 4/120 job

                                                 = 1/30 job


        • 238. ৮জন লোক একটি কাজ ৬ দিনে করতে পারে। কাজটি ৩ দিনে করতে হলে কতজন নতুন লোক নিয়োগ করতে হবে?
        •  ৬ দিনে করে ৮ জন 

          ১ দিনে করে ৮*৬ জন (১ দিনে করতে বেশি লোক লাগবে তাই গুণ)

          ৩ দিনে করে ৮*৬/৩ জন (৩ দিনে করতে কম লোক লাগবে তাই ভাগ)

          = ১৬ জন

          নতুন নিতে হবে, ৮ জন 

        • 239. A car wash center washes 10 cars in half an hour.at this rate how many cars can it wash in 4 hours ?
        • It takes .5 hour to wash 10 cars

          It takes 4 hour to wash (10x4)/.5=80

        • 240. If 5 students run a mile in 5 minutes,how much time will 50 students take to run a mile ?
        • 241. There pipes can independently fill a water tank in 10,12 and 15 hour.How many hours will it take for all three pipes opend together to fill half of the tank ?  
        • In 1 hour 3 pipes can fill = 1/10+1/12+1/15 = (6+5+4)/60 = 15/60 =1/4 part

          So, 1/4 part fill in  = 1 hour

                  1 part    "   "    = 4   "

          So, 1/2 part   "   "    = 4/2 or, 2 hours (Ans.)

        • 242. 20 man can finish a work in 30 days. After how many days should 5 men leave the work so that the work may be finished in 35 days?
        • 243. An empty swimming pool with a capacity of 5760 gallons is filled at the rate of 12 gallons per minute, how many hours would it take to fill the pool to the capacity?    
        • Filled 12 gallons in 1 min

          So, " 5760 "   "  5760/12 min

          5760/(12×60) hours = 8 hours (Ans.)

        • 244. A company employees 15 persons working 44 hours a week. If 4 persons are ill, how many hours a week would the rest have to work to make up the work force lost?  
        • 245. A company employs 15 persons, each works 44 hours a week. If 4 persons are absent how many hours a week would the rest of the persons have to work to make up the time lost?    
        • 246. If a photocopier makes 2 copies in 1/3 second, at the same rate, how many copies does it make in 4 minutes?
        • 247. three pipes P, Q and R can fill  tank in6 hours. After working all three together for 2 hours, R is closed and P and Q can fill the remaining part in 7 hours. The number of hours taken by R alone to fill the tank is -  
        • 248. A certain number of men can finish a piece of work in 100 days. If, there were 10 men less, it would take 10 days more for the work to be finished. How many men were there originally?  
        • men and the days needed are inversely proportional 
          x = men days = 100 
          x-10 = men days = 110 
          100x = 110(x-10) (inverse proportion) 
          solving for x 
          10x = 1100 
          x = 110

        • 249. Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 5 hours and 20 hours respectively . If both the taps are open then due to leakage , it took 30 minutes more to fill the tank . If the tank is full , how long will it take for the leakage alone to empty the tank ?  
        • Let the speed of car be x kmph.


          the speed of train = 1.5x kmph

          Distance traveled by train and car is same. Time difference is 12.5 minutes.

          (75/x) - (75/1.5x) = (125/10x60)

          x = 120

        • 250. 10 men working 6 hours a day can complete a week in 18 days .how many hours a day must 15 men work to complete the same work in 12 days ?  
        • 10 men working 6 hours a day can complete a work in 18 days. 
          so no. of man work hours needed to complete the work is = 10x6x18 

          so,when 15 men work, and should complete the work in 12 days,


          the no. of hours they work per day be h 

          so for the work to be completed the man work hours will be the same 

          so h=6 
          so they have to work for 6 hours a day to complete the work in 12 days 

        • 251. Three workers X, Y and Z, are paid a total of Tk.5,500 for particular jobs. X paid 133.33% of the amount paid to Y and Y is paid 75% amount paid to Z.How much is paid to Z?
        • 252. কাজের দিন 2 টাকা পাওয়া এবং অনুপস্থিতির দিন 50 পয়সা জরিমানা দেওয়া শর্তে এক ব্যক্তি সেপ্টেম্বর মাসে 40 টাকা পেল। ব্যক্তিটি কাজে কত দিন উপস্থিত ছিলো?
        • 253. 30 জন লোক একটি কাজ 24 দিনে করতে পারে। কাজ আরম্ভের 12 দিন পর 15 জন লোক চলে গেল। বাকি লোক কতদিন এ অবশিষ্ট কাজ সমাধা করতে পারবে?
        • 254. ক ও খ একত্রে একটি কাজ ৪ দিনে করতে পারে। ঐ কাজ 'ক' একা ১২ দিনে করতে পারে। কাজটি করতে 'খ' এর কতদিন লাগবে?
        • 255. A and B can do a piece of work in 5 days; B and C can do it in 7 days; A and C can do it in 4 days. Who among these will take the least time if put to do it alone?
        • 256. A can do a job in 24 days .  B in 9 days and C in 12 days . B and C together start the work but leave after 3 days . How many days was taken by A   to complete the remaining work ?
        • 257. In a group of 15, 7 can speak spanish , 8 can   speak French and 3 can speak neither . What function of the group can speak both Franch and spanish ?
        • 258. ৮ জন ছাত্রছাত্রীর গড় বয়স ৮ বছর। যদি শিক্ষকের বয়স অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হয় তা হলে গড় ৭ বছর বাড়বে। শিক্ষকের বয়স বের কর?
        • 259. যদি একটি মেশিনের একটি পণ্য উৎপাদনে ১/২ মিনিট সময় লাগে, তবে ২ ঘন্টায় কয়টি পণ্য উৎপাদন করতে পারবে?
        • 260. একটি বইয়ের মূল্য ২৪ টাকা, যা প্রকৃত মূল্যের ৮০%। বাকী মূল্য সরকার ভর্তুকির দিলে তার পরিমাণ কত?
        • 261. The average wage of a worker during a fortnihgt comprising 15 consecutive working days was Taka 90 per day. During the first 7 days, his average wage was Taka 87 per day and the average wage during the last 7 days was Taka 92 per day. What was his wage on the 8th day ?
        • 262. A man's regular pay is Taka 30 per hour up to 40 hours. Overtime is twice the payment for regular time. If he was paid Taka 1680, how many hours overtime did he work ?
        • 263. A can complete a project in 20 days and B can complete the same project in 30 days. A and B start working on the project together and A quits 10 days before the project is expected to be completed. How many days in total will the project take to complete ?
        • 264. A and B can do a piece of work in 9 days, B and C in 12 days, A and C in 18 days. If all of them work together, then how much time will they take to finish the same work?
        • 265. A family had provision of food for 15 days. After 5 days 8 guests came and the provision lasted 6 days. How many are the members of the family?
        • 266. A man can do a piece of work in 5 days, but with the help of his son, he can do it in 3 days. In what time can the son do it alone?
        • 267. Rahim gave half  of his stamps to karim. Karim gave half of his stamps to Farima. Fatima gave 1/4 of the stamps given to the to Tonmoy and kept the remaining 12. How  many stamps did Rahim start with?
        • 268. A worker is hired for 7 days. Each day, he is paid 10 Taka more than what he is paid for the previous day of work. The total amount he was paid in the first 4 days of work equaled the total amount he was paid in the last 3 days. What was his starting pay?
        • 269. A rectangular floor that measures 8 meters by 10 meters is to be covered with carpet squares that each measure 2 meters by 2 meters. If a carpet square costs Tk 12.0, calculate the total cost to cover 2/3 of the floor? 
        • 270. A man buys doughnuts at the rate of Tk 35 per 100 piece and sells them at Tk 7.20 per dozen. If the profit is Tk30, how many doughnuts did he buy? 
        • 271. A man can do a piece of work in 5 days, but with the help of his son, he can do it in 3 days. In what time can the son do it alone? 
        • 272. একটি ক্লাসে ৩০ জন ছাত্র আছে। তাদের মধ্যে ১৮ জন ফুটবল খেলে ১৪ জন ক্রিকেট খেলে এবং ৫ জন কিছুই খেলে না। কয়জন উভয়টিই খেলে? 
        • 273. A and B can do a work in 12 days. B can do the same work is 18 days la how many days A can complete the 23 of the same work?
        • 274. A is twice as good as B and together they finish a piece of work in 16 days. The number of days taken by A alone to finish the work is
        • 275. A can finish a work in 5 days and B takes 4 days to do the same work. If the work is increased by 8 times, how many days will it take for both of them to finish the work if they work together? 
        • new work size = 1+8 = 9 works.
          A & B can do in 1 day (working together) = 1/5 + 1/4 = 9/20
          Required number of days = 9/(9/20) = 20 days. 

        • 276. A computer can perform 30 identical tasks in 6 hour. At that rate, what is the minimum number of computers that should be assigned to complete 80 of the tasks within 3 hours? 
        • Number of computers = (80×6/30×3) = 5.33 = minimum 6 .

        • 277. A and B together can complete a piece of work in 12 days, B and C can do it in 20 days and C and A can do it in 15 days. A, B and C together can complete it in: 
        • A & B can do in 1 day = 1/12 work
          B & C can do in 1 day = 1/20 work
          C & A can do in 1 day = 1/15 work
          2(A&B&C) can do in 1 day = 1/12 + 1/20 + 1/15 = 12/60 = 1/5 work.
          A&B&C can do in 1 day = 1/(5×2) = 1/10 work.

          Required number of days = 1/(1/10) = 10 days.

        • 278. In a class of 50 students. 18 take music, 26 take art and 2 take both art and music. How many students in the class are not enrolled in either music or art? 
        • No. of students enrolled for music =18
          No. of students enrolled for art = 26
          Total students enrolled for either music or art or both = (18+26)-2 =42
          Hence students not enrolled for either music or art = (50–42) = 8
        • 279. Three workers can do a job in 12 days. Two of the workers work twice as fast as the third. How long would it take one of the faster workers to do the job himself?
        • Let
          x = number of days for each of the faster men working alone to do the job
          2x = number of days for the third man working alone

          12/x + 12/x + 12/(2x) = 1
          Or, 12/x + 12/x + 6/x = 1
          Or, 30/x = 1
          Or, x = 30 days

        • 280. Susan can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. Mary can type 5 pages in 10 minutes. Working together how many pages can they type in 30 minutes?
        • No of pages typed by Susan in 30 minuts= 30*2 =60 pages
          No of pages typed by Marry in 30 minuts =30*0.5 =15 pages
          Total pages together is 60+15=75
        • 281. একটি কোম্পানির ৪৬% কর্মচারি পুরুষ। যদি ৬০% কর্মচারি ইউনিয়ন করে এবং এর মধ্যে ৭০% কর্মচারি পুরুষ হয়, তাহলে শতকরা কতজন মহিলা কর্মচারি ইউনিয়ন করে না? 
        • 282. ৩০ x ১৬ ফুটের একটি মেঝে মেরামত করতে ২৪৯৬ টাকা ব্যয় হল। প্রতি বর্গফুটে ব্যয় কত টাকা? 
        • 283. 4 men and 6 women can complete a work in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women can complete it in 10 days. In how many days will 10  women complete it?
        • 4men + 6 women complete in 1 day = 1/8 part ——-(1)
          3 men + 7 women complete in 1 day = 1/10 part —–(2)

          From, (1)×3 – (2) ×4
          12men + 18 women complete in 1 day = 3/8 part ——-(1-
          12 men + 28 women complete in 1 day = 4/10 part —–(2)
          -10 women complete in 1 day  = 3/8 – 4/10 = -1/40

          So, 10 women complete in 1 day  = 3/8 – 4/10 = 1/40 part
          So, they complete the work in 40 days

        • 284. A and B together can do a piece of work in 40 days. A having worked for 20 days, finishes the remaining work alone in 60 days. In how many days shall B finish the whole work alone?
        • Let, A’s 1 day’s work = x and B’s 1 days work =y


          x + y = 1/40 ——(1)

          20x + 60y = 1 —-(2)

          From (2) – (1)×20,

          20x  + 60y – 20x -20y = 1 – ½

          Or, 40y = ½

          Or, y = 1/80

          Therefore B’s 1 day work = 1/80

          Hence, B alone finishes the work in 80 days

        • 285. An employer pays 3 workers X, Y and Z a total of Tk. 36,600 a week. X is paid 125% of the amount Y is paid and 80% of the amount Z is paid. How much does X make a week?
        • X= 125% of y = 125y/100 = 5y/4

          Or, y = 4x/5


          X= 80% of z = 80z/100 = 4z/5

          Or, z= 5x/4

          X:y:z = x:4x/5:5x/4 = 20:16:25

          Sum of ratio = 20+16+25=61

          So, x makes a week = 20/61 × 36600 = 20×600=12000

        • 286. ২৪ জন পুরুষ, ৰা ৩০ জন মহিলা বা ৪০ জন বালক একটি কাজ ৬ দিনে শেষ করতে পারে। তবে ঐ কাজ ১জন পুরুষ, ১জন মহিলা ও ১জন বালক কত দিনে শেষ করবে?
        • 24 জন পুরুষ 6 দিনে করে 1 কাজ
          1 জন পুরুষ 1 দিনে করে 1/144 কাজ

          30 জন মহিলা 6 দিনে করে 1 কাজ
          1 জন মহিলা 1 দিনে করে 1/180 কাজ


          40 জন বালক 6 দিনে করে 1 কাজ
          1 জন বালক 1 দিনে করে 1/240 কাজ
          1 জন পুরুষ, 1 জন মহিলা ও 1 জন বালক 1 দিনে করে (1/144 + 1/180 = 1/240) = 1/60 কাজ
          অতএব, সম্পূর্ণ কাজ করতে সময় লাগবে 60 দিন।


        • 287. একজন ঠিকাদার ১৯২০ মিটার দীর্ঘ রাস্তা ১২০ দিনে নির্মাণ করে দেয়ার জন্য ১৬০ জন শ্রমিক নিয়ােগ করলো। ২৪ দিন পরে মাত্র ১/৮ অংশ কাজ সম্পন্ন হল। নির্ধারিত সময়ের মধ্যে কাজটি শেষ করতে হলে ঠিকাদারকে অতিরিক্ত কতজন লােক নিয়ােগ দিতে হবে?
        • কাজের বাকি = 1 – 1/8 = 7/8
          দিনের বাকি = 120-24 = 96
          1/8 কাজ 24 দিনে করতে লোক প্রয়োজন 160 জন
          1/8 কাজ 1 দিনে করতে লোক প্রয়োজন 160×24 জন
          1 কাজ 1 দিনে করতে লোক প্রয়োজন 160×24×8 জন
          1 কাজ 96 দিনে করতে লোক প্রয়োজন (160×24×8)/96 জন
          7/8 কাজ 96 দিনে করতে লোক প্রয়োজন (160×24×8×7)/(96×8) জন = 280 জন
          অতিরিক্ত লোক প্রয়োজন = (280-160) = 120 জন


        • 288. If A and B together can complete a work in 18 days, A and C together in 12 days, and B and C together in 9 days., then B alone can do the work in –
        • 1 day’s work of

          (A+B) = 1/18 —-(1)

          (A+C) = 1/12 —-(2)

          (B+C) = 1/9 —–(3)


          2(A+B+C) = (1/18 + 1/12 + 1/9) = ¼

          Or, (A+B+C) = 1/8

          B = (A+B+C) –(A+C) = 1/8 – 1/12 = 1/24

          B needs 24 days.

        • 289. A tank can be filled with water by two pipes A and B together in 36 minutes. If the pipe B was stopped after 30 minutes, the tank is filled in 40 minutes. The pipe B can alone fill the tank in-
        • Let the pipes fill the tank in x minutes.
          Part of tank filled by pipes A and B in one minute: 1/36;
          Part of the tank filled by pipe A in 1 minute = 1/36 – 1/x;
          30* 1/x + (1/36 – 1/x) = 1
          Or, 30/x + 10/9 – 40/x = 1
          Or, 10/x = 1/9
          Hence, x = 90 minutes.


        • 290. A water tank has two taps (Tap-1 and Tap-2). Tap-I can fill a tank in 8 hours and Tap-2 can empty the tank in 16 hours. How long will they take to fill the tank if both taps are opened simultaneously but Tap-2 is closed after 8 hours?
        • Tap-1, fills in 1 hr =  1/8

          Tap-2, empties in 1 hr = 1/16

          When both taps are open, the tank fills in 1 hr = (1/8 – 1/16) = 1/16

          In 8 hrs, the tank fills =  1/16 ×৪ = ½

          Remaining = 1 – ½ = ½

          ½ is filled by only Tap 1

          1/8 is filled by Tap-1 in 1 hr

          So, ½ is filled by = (1×8)/2= 4 hr

          Total time = 8+4 = 12 hr

        • 291. X, Y and Z can do a piece of work in 6 hours. X and Y can do the work in 8 hours and Y and Z can do the same work in 12 hours. In how many time will X and Z do the work?
        • 292. If A can do ¼ of a work in 3 days and B can do 1/6 of the same work in 4 days, how much will A get if both work together and are paid Tk. 180 in all?
        • A

          3 days = 1/4 of a work

          :. 1day = 1/12


          4days = 1/6 of a work

          :. 1day = 1/24

          In terms of ration

          A : B

          2x : x = 180

          120 : 60

          A gets =Tk. 120,

        • 293. When 6 gallons of gasoline are put into a car, the indicator goes from 1/4 to 5/8. What is the total capacity of the gasoline tank?
        • (5/8 – ¼) = 3/8 means 6 gallons

          So, Total capacity = 6×8/3 = 16 gallons

        today's words

        Current World

        • What is the number of current U.S. Congress which is established on January 3, 2021?

          Ans: 117th


        • Joe Biden is current and 46th U.S. President, What number he stands as Democratic President in the history of U.S.?

          Ans: 16th

        • Donald Trump was________ president of Republican party.

          Ans: 19th

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