আপনার কাছে যদি মনে হয় প্রশ্নটি অধ্যায় অনুযায়ী সঠিক নয় তাহলে সঠিক অধ্যায় ও প্রশ্নটি অথবা কোন প্রকার ভুল থাকলে আমাদের কে জানান ইমেইল করে kabirdepart@gmail.com


Correct :

Wrong :

  • 1. If X:Y = Y:Z = 1.5 and Z = 2, what is the value of X?
  • Here,

    Y:Z = 1.5

    or, Y/Z = 1.5

    or, Y/2=1.5 [Z=2]

    So, Y=1.5×2=3

    Now, X:Y = 1.5

    Or, X/Y = 3/2 [3/2=1.5]

    Or, X/3=3/2 [Y=3]

    Or, X=9/2=4.5

  • 2. Tk. 7,500 is divided in the ratio 1:2:3:4:5. Find the difference between highest and lowest value?
  • Here,

    Sum of ratios are = ( 1+2+3+4+5)=15

    Highest value = (5/15) × 7500 = 2500

    Lowest value =(1/15) × 7500= 500

    So, the difference =2500-500=2000

  • 3. The ratio of salaries of A, B and C is 1:2:3. The salaries of B and C together are Tk. 6,000. By what percentage is the salary of C more than that of A.
  • 4. An amount of Tk. 735 was divided between A, B and C. If each of them had received Tk. 25 less, their shares would have been in the ratio of 1:3:2. The money received by C was:
  • 5. In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of tea worth Tk. 60 a kg and Tk. 65 a kg so that by selling the mixture at Tk. 68.20 a kg he may gain 10%?
  • 6. Every 3 minutes, 4 liters of water are poured into a 2,000 litre tank. After 2 hours, what percent of the tank is full?
  • Here,  2 hours =2 ×60=120 minutesIn 3 minutes fill thetank 4 litres" 1 "   "    "  "43" .'. " 120 "   "    " 4×1203=160  litre  In 2000 litre fill into 160 litre 
    .'. " 1 " "  " 1602000 ".'. " 100  "   " " 160×1002000"=8 litre .
    '. After  2 hours tank will be fill 8% 
  • 7. In what ratio must tea at Tk. 62 per kg be mixed with tea at Tk. 72 per kg so that the mixture must be worth Tk. 64.50 per kg?
  • 8. The ratio of the number of boys to that of girls in a class is 5: 7. When 24 more boys enter, the ratio is reversed. How many girls are in the class?
  • 9. a : b = 2 : 3 and a + b = 4. What is the value of (a + b): (b-a)?
  • 10. ৭৫০০ টাকা রহিম, করিম ও সালামের মধ্যে যথাক্রমে ২ : ২ : ১ অনুপাতে ভাগ করা হলে রহিম সালাম অপেক্ষা কত টাকা বেশি পাবে?
  • 11. ৬৪ কিলোগ্রামের বালি ও পাথরের টুকরার মিশ্রণে বালির পরিমাণ ২৫%। কত কিলোগ্রম বালি মিশালে নতুন মিশ্রণে পাথর টুকরার পরিমাণ ৪০% হবে?
  • 12. ৬০ মিটার বিশিষ্ট একটি বাঁশ ৩ : ৭ : ১০ অনুপাতে ভাগ করলে টুকরাগুলোর সাইজ কত?
  • অনুপাতের যোগফল=৩+৭+১০=২০

    সুতরাং বাঁশের টুকরোগুলোর সাইজ,

    ১ম টুকরো=(৬০×৩)/২০=৯ মিটার।

    ২য় টুকরো=(৬০×৭)/২০=২১ মিটার। এবং

    ৩য় টুকরো=(৬০×৩)/২০=৩০ মিটার।

  • 13. If a and b are integers greater than 100 such  that a+b = 300, which of the following could be the exact ratio of a to b?
  • Suppose,

    number of people =10

    total expenditure= G

    per person pay= g/10

    if n number of people are added then per person pays=G/10+n

    So, expenditure reduces= G/10-G/10+n=Gn/100+10n

  • 14. In what ratio should a 20% methyl alcohol solution be mixed with a 50% methyl alcohol solution so that the resultant solution has 40% methyl alcohol in it?
  • 15. দুটি সংখ্যার অনুপাত ৫:৮ উভয়ের সাথে ২ যোগ করলে অনুপাতটি ২:৩ হয়। সংখ্যা দুটি কি কি?
  • 16. A mixture contains 2/5 of element A and 3/5 of element B. When 5ml of A is added to the mixture, the proportion of B in the mixture changes to 1/5. What amount of A was originally present in the mixture before the addition was made?
  • 17. Three numbers are in the radio of 3:4:6 and their product is 1944. The largest of these numbers is-
  • 18. If 0.4 of a number is equal to 0.06 of another number, the ratio of the numbers is:
  • 19. Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5%of A and 4% of B is two-third of the sum of 6% of A and 8% of B. Find the ratio of A :B
  • 20. If 25% of a number is subtracted from a second number, the second number reduces to its five-sixth. What is the ratio of the first number to the second number?
  • 21. If X is 2/5 of Y and Y is 5/7 of Z, what is the ratio of Z:X?
  • x=2Y/5
    Y= 5Z/7

    or, Z=7Y/5

    So, (Z:X)=(7Y/5) : (2Y/5)

                =(7:2) (Ans.)

  • 22. The ratio of girls to boys in a class 3 : 4.  The number of students in the class could not be any of the following except:
  • 3*4 + 4*4 = 12 + 16 = 28

  • 23. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a school is 3:2. If 20% of the boys and 25% of the girls are scholarship holders, what percent of the students are not scholarship holders?
  • The ratio of the number if boys and girls in a school is 3:2
    To change a ratio to two fractions, put each number, 3 and 2, over the sum of
    the two numbers 3+2, or 5. So the two fractions are {{{3/5}}} and {{{2/5}}}.

    That means {{{3/5}}}ths of the students are boys and {{{2/5}}}ths of the students are

    Change those to percents:

    {{{3/5=60/100="60%"}}}, {{{2/5=40/100="40%"}}}

    So 60% of the students are boys and 40% of the students are girls.
    20% of the boys and 25% of the girls are scholarship holders
    That means 20% of 60% are boy scholarship holders and 25% of 40% are girl scholarship holders.


    20% of 60% = (0.20)(0.60) = 0.12 = 12% of the students are boy scholarship


    25% of 40% = (0.25)(0.40) = 0.10 = 10% of the students are girl scholarship

    That me

  • 24. A 12 gallon tub has a faucet that lets water in at a rate of 3 gallons per minute, and has a drain that lets water out at a rate of 1.5 gallons per minute. If you start with 3 gallons of water in the tub, how long will it take to fill the tub completely?
  • 12 gallon tub,with 3 gallons of water in the tub: needs {{{9Gal}}} to fill
    water in at 3 gal/min, and out at a rate of 1.5 gal/min: Net in at {{{1.5gal/min}}}
     {{{9gal/1.5 (gal/min)}}} = 6 min

  • 25. একটি শ্রেনীতে ছাত্র ও ছাত্রীর সংখ্যার অনুপাত ৩:৪ । ঐ শ্রেণীতে মোট ৩৫ জন ছাত্রছাত্রী থাকলে ছাত্রের চেয়ে ছাত্রী সংখ্যা কত বেশি?
  • 3x + 4x =35


  • 26. The combined salary of X,Y and Z is Tk. 90,000. X earns twice of what Z earns, and Y earns 1.5 times of what Z earns. What is the lowest salary of the three?
  • X:Y:Z = 2:3/2:1 = 4:3:2

    now, lowest salary is earned by Z, as we can see from the ratio.

    Z's salary = 2*90000/9 = 20000 tk

  • 27. চারটি সমানুপাতিক রাশির প্রান্তীয় রাশি দুটির গুণফল ২০০। ১ম রাশিঃ২য় রাশি = ১:২, ২য়রাশিঃ৪র্থ রাশি = ১:৪। তৃতীয় রাশিটি কত?
  • 28. ৩৯২ : ২৮ :: ৭২২ : ______?
  • ধরি, ৪র্থ রাশি= x

    ৩৯২/২৮ = ৭২২/x

    বা, ৩৯২x = ৭২২×২৮

    সুতরাং, x = ৫১.৫৭

  • 29. Akash bought two varieties of rice, costing Tk. 50/kg and Tk. 60/kg each, and mixed them in some ratio. Then he sold the mixture at Tk. 70/kg, making a profit of 20%. What was the ratio of the mixture?
  • 30. In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of pulses costing Tk. 15 and Tk. 20 per kg respectively so as to get a mixture worth Tk. 16.50 per kg?
  • 31. What will be the ratio of simple interest earned by certain amount at the same rate of interest for 6 years and that for 9 years.
  • 32. In a school, 10% of the boys are some in number as 1/4th of the girls. What is the ratio of boys to girls in that school?
  • 33. এক ব্যক্তি ক্রয় মূল্যের উপর ৫০% হিসাব করে বিক্রয় মূল্য নির্ধারণ করে। সে নির্ধারিত বিক্রয় মূল্যের উপর ১০% কমিশন দিয়ে জিনিস বিক্রয় করে।তার মোটের উপর শতকরা কত লাভ হবে?  
  • ক্রয়মুল্য ১০০ টাকা হলে ৫০% লাভে বিক্রয়মুল্য (১০০+৫০)=১৫০ টাকা এই বিক্রয়মুল্যের উপর আবার ১০% কমিশন বিক্রয়মুল্য হবে ৯০*১৫০/১০০=১৩৫ টাকা

    সুতরাং, মোটের উপর শতকরা লাভ হবে (১৩৫-১০০)=৩৫ টাকা   

  • 34. পিতা ও পুত্রের বয়সের সমষ্টি ৭৪ বছর এবং তাদের বয়সের অনুপাত ১০ বছর পূর্বে ছিল ৭:২ .১০ বছর পরে তাদের বয়সের অনুপাত কত হবে?
  • মনে করি, দশ বছর পূর্বে পিতার বয়স ছিল ৭x এবং ২x বছর

    সুতরাং, বর্তমানে পিতার বয়স হবে ৭x + ১০ বছর

               পুত্রের   ”    ” ২x+ ১০ বছর

    প্রশ্নমতে, ৭x +১০ +২x + ১০=৭৪

    বা, ৯x + ২০ =৭৪ বা, ৯x=৫৪ =x=৬

    সুতরাং, পিতার বর্তমান বয়স ৭*৬+১০=৫২ বছর

         পুত্রের    ”     ”  ২*৬+১০=২২ বছর

    সুতরাং, ১০ বছর পর পিতার বয়স ও পুত্রের বয়সের অনুপাত হবে ৫২ + ১০:২২ +১০= ৬২:৩২ = ৩১:১৬

  • 35. Three-fifth of the square of a certain number is 126.15. What is the number?
  • Let the number be x.Then,

    3/5x2= 126.15.

    x2=(126.15 X 53)= 210.25.

    x=√210.25 = 14.5 

  • 36. P and Q started a business investing Tk. 85,000 and Tk. 15,000 respectively. In what ratio the profit earned after 2 years be divided between P and Q respectively?
  • 37. The ratio of three numbers is 3 : 4: 7 and their product is 18144. The numbers are:
  • let the numbers be 3x, 4x and 7x.
    Then, 3x x 4x x 7x = 84x3 = 18144. Therefore, x

  • 38. The ratio between the present ages of P and Q is 6 : 7 If Q is 4 years older than P. what will be the ratio of the ages of P and Q after 4 years?
  • Let P age and Q age is 6x years and 7x years.
    Then 7x - 6x = 4 <=> x = 4

    So required ratio will be (6x+4): (7x+4) => 28:32 => 7:8

  • 39. একটি ত্রিভুজের তিনটি বাহুর মাপের অনুপাত ৫:৬:৭ । এর পর ১৯৮ সেমি হলে দীর্ঘতম বাহুটি কত সেমি?
  • 40. In an office, the ratio of female to male employees is 1:4 . What percentage of the employees are male?
  • 80 percent is male and 20 percent is female

  • 41. In a school the ratio of boys to girls is 3 to 7. If the total student is 150 then how many boys are there?
  • ratio= 3:7
    sum of ratio=3+7=10
    boys are=3/10 X150 =45 

  • 42. In a class there are 35 boys and 63 girls. Find out the ratio of boys to girls.
  • ratio =35:63=5:9

  • 43. A container full of water weight 18.5 kg. If one –fourth of the container is full of water, it weighs 6.5 kg. What is the weight of the empty container?
  • here,
    water +container= 18.5
    .25water+container=6.5 kg
    .75 water =12 kg
    so , full weight of water =12/.75=16 kg
    so, empty container= 18.5-16.00=2.5 meter

  • 44. In a certain English class, ¼ of the number of girls is equal to 1/6 of the total number of students. What is the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in the class?
  • Assume; g = number of girls, b = number of boys
    Total number of students = b + g
    g / 4 = (b + g) /6
    6g = 4(b + g) = 4b + 4g
    2g = 4b
    2/4 = b/g
    b/g = 1/2

  • 45. A box of chocolates is divided between two brothers, Asif and Siyam in a ratio of 15 : 7 and their difference is 16 chocolates. How many chocolates did Siyam get?
  • Asif got 15x chocholate
    Siyam got 7x chocholate
    so,siyam get 7X2=14 chocolate

  • 46. The ratio of two number is 3 : 5 and their sum is 640. The greater of the two numbers is—
  • here,
    one number 3x 
    another number 5x
    so ,greater number is = 80 X 5= 400

  • 47. Which of the following ratios is the smallest?
  • 48. If P : Q = 3 : 2, P : R = 2 : 7, then what is the value of Q : R?
  • 49. If 1/3 of the workers in an office are smokers, what is the ratio of smokers to nonsmokers?
  • 50. The present ages of A and B are as 6 : 4. Five years ago their ages were in the ratio 5: 3. Find their present ages.          
  • Go from the choices
    Choice (3) 30 and 20 are in the ratio of 6: 4
    Five years ago their ages would be 25 and 15 which are in the ratio 5 : 3.
    Hence choice (3) is the right answer.

  • 51. Two equal glasses are respectively 1/3 and ¼ full of milk. They are then filled up with water and the contents mixed in a tumbler. What is the ratio of milk and water in the tumbler?
  • Given two equal glasses are respectively one third =1/3
    and one fourth full of milk=1/4
    total milk in both glass=1/3+1/4=7/12
    water in 1st glass=1-1/3=2/3
    water in 2nd glass=1-1/4=3/4
    total water=2/3+3/4=17/12
    then ratio of milk and water =(7/12)/(17/12)
    =>ratio of milk and water =7:17


  • 52. Ahmad has containers of two different sizes. The total capacity of 16 containers of one size is x gallons, and the total capacity of 8 containers of the other size is also x gallons, and x:0, In terms of x, what is the capacity, in gallons, of each of the larger containers?
  • Total capacity of 16 one size container is x 
    capacity of one container is x/16 
    Total capacity of 8 other size container is x 
    capacity of one other size container is x/8 

  • 53. Equal amounts of water were poured into two empty jars of different capacities, which made one jar ¼ full and the other jar 1/3 full. If the water in the jar with the lesser capacity is then poured into the jar with the greater capacity, what fraction of the larger jar will be filled with water?
  • 54. A 180 liter mixture of milk and water contains 20% water. How much milk, in liters, must be added to the mixture so that the new mixture will contain water and milk in the ratio of 1:7?
  • 55. A container full of water weighs 20 kg, if one-fourth of the containers is full of water, it weighs 8 kg. What is the weight of the empty container?
  • 56. A fast food shop sells pizza in 3 sizes: large, super and jumbo. One day the shop sold 240 pizzas, and the ratio of sales of large to super to jumbo was 8 : 17 : 15. How many jumbo pizzas were sold that day?
  • 57. If the ratio of boys and girls in a school is 5:3. Which of the following could not be the number of students in the school?
  • 58. A 19 liter mixture consists by volume of 1 part juice to 18 parts water. If x liters of juice and y liters of water are added to this mixture to make a 54 liter mixture consisting by volume of 1 part juice to 2 parts water, then what is the value of x?
  • 59. A clock seen through the mirror reads a quarter to nine. What is the actual time?
  • 60. The saving of an employee equals income minus expenditure. If their incomes ratio is 1:2:3 and their expenses ratio is 3:2:1, then what is the order of the employees A, B and C in the increasing order of the size of their savings?
  • 61. ৬০ লিটার কেরোসিন ও পেট্রোলের মিশ্রনের অনুপাত ৭ : ৩। ঐ মিশ্রনে আর কত লিটার পেট্রোল মিশালে অনুপাত ৩ : ৭ হবে?
  • ৬০ লিটার কেরোসিন ও পেট্রোলের মিশ্রনের অনুপাত ৭:৩

    কেরোসিন  আছে = ৭/১০ * ৬০ লিটার = ৪২ লিটার

    পেট্রোল  আছে ১৮ লিটার

     ঐ মিশ্রনে আর কত লিটার ্পেট্রল মিশালে অনুপাত ৩:৭ হবে।

    কেরোসিন এর পরিমাণ অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে, অর্থাৎ ৪২ থাকবে। 

    পেট্রল 'ক' গ্রাম যুক্ত করলে অকটেনের পরিমাণ হবে ১৮+ক গ্রাম 

    এদের অনুপাত ৪২/(১৮+ক)


    ৪২/[১৮+ক] = ৩/৭

    => ৫৪ + ৩ক = ২৯৪

    => ৩ক = ২৪০

    => ক = ৮০ 

  • 62. In what ratio must  a grocer mix two varieties of tea worth Tk. 60 a kg and Tk. 65 a kg so that by selling the mixture at Tk. 68.20 a kg he may gain 10%?
  • Let he mixes the tea in ratio x : y 
    Therefore the cost price = 60x + 65y
    and the selling price = 68.20(x + y)

    Profit = SP - CP
    So 10/100 (60x + 65y) = 68.20(x + y) - (60x + 65y)
    or 6x + 6.5y = 8.20x + 3.20y
    2.2x = 3.3y
     x/y = 3:2 

  • 63. A merchant has 1000 kg of sugar, part of which he sells at 8% profit and the rest at 18% profit. He gains 14% on the whole. The quantity sold at 18% profit is:
  • 64. 8 litres are drawn from a cask full of wine and is then filled with water. This operation is performed three more times. The ratio of the quantity of wine now left in cask to that of water is 16 : 65. How much wine did the cask hold originally?
  • 65. The cost of Type 1 rice is Rs. 15 per kg and Type 2 rice is Rs. 20 per kg. If both Type 1 and Type 2 are mixed in the ratio of 2 : 3, then the price per kg of the mixed variety of rice is:
  • 66. In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of tea worth Rs. 60 a kg and Rs. 65 a kg so that by selling the mixture at Rs. 68.20 a kg he may gain 10%?
  • 67. Find the ratio in which rice at Rs. 7.20 a kg be mixed with rice at Rs. 5.70 a kg to produce a mixture worth Rs. 6.30 a kg.
  • 68. In what ratio must water be mixed with milk to gain 16(2/3)% on selling the mixture at cost price?
  • 69. A jar full of whisky contains 40% alcohol. A part of this whisky is replaced by another containing 19% alcohol and now the percentage of alcohol was found to be 26%. The quantity of whisky replaced is:
  • 70. A container contains 40 litres of milk. From this container 4 litres of milk was taken out and replaced by water. This process was repeated further two times. How much milk is now contained by the container?
  • 71. How many kilogram of sugar costing Rs. 9 per kg must be mixed with 27 kg of sugar costing Rs. 7 per kg so that there may be a gain of 10% by selling the mixture at Rs. 9.24 per kg?
  • 72. A dishonest milkman professes to sell his milk at cost price but he mixes it with water and thereby gains 25%. The percentage of water in the mixture is:
  • 73. In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of pulses costing Rs. 15 and Rs. 20 per kg respectively so as to get a mixture worth Rs. 16.50 kg?
  • 74. A milk vendor has 2 cans of milk. The first contains 25% water and the rest milk. The second contains 50% water. How much milk should he mix from each of the containers so as to get 12 litres of milk such that the ratio of water to milk is 3 : 5?
  • 75. A can contains a mixture of two liquids A and B is the ratio 7 : 5. When 9 litres of mixture are drawn off and the can is filled with B, the ratio of A and B becomes 7 : 9. How many litres of liquid A was contained by the can initially?
  • 76. Tea worth Rs. 126 per kg and Rs. 135 per kg are mixed with a third variety in the ratio 1 : 1 : 2. If the mixture is worth Rs. 153 per kg, the price of the third variety per kg will be:
  • 77. A vessel is filled with liquid, 3 parts of which are water and 5 parts syrup. How much of the mixture must be drawn off and replaced with water so that the mixture may be half water and half syrup?
  • 78. In a bag, there are coins of 25 p, 10 p and 5 p in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. If there is Tk. 30 in all, how many 5 p coins are there?
  • Let the number of 25 p, 10 p and 5 p coins be x, 2x, 3x respectively.

    Then, sum of their values

    = Tk. {(25x/100) + (10 x 2x)/100 + (5 x 3x)/100}

    = Tk. (60x/100)

    So, 60x/100 = 30

    => x = (30 x 100)/60 = 50.

    Hence, the number of 5 p coins = (3 x 50) = 150.

  • 79. Two number are in the ratio 3 : 5. If 9 is subtracted from each, the new numbers are in the ratio 12 : 23. The smaller number is:
  • Let the numbers be 3x and 5x.

    Then, (3x – 9) / ( 5x – 9) = 12/23

    => 23(3x - 9) = 12(5x - 9)

    => 9x = 99

    => x = 11.

    So, The smaller number = (3 x 11) = 33.

  • 80. The fourth proportional to 5, 8, 15 is:
  • Let the fourth proportional to 5, 8, 15 be x.

    Then, 5 : 8 : 15 : x

    => 5x = (8 x 15)

    So, x = (8 x 15)/5 = 24.

  • 81. If 40% of a number is equal to two-third of another number, what is the ratio of first number to the second number?
  • Let 40% of A = (2/3) B

    Then, 40A/100 = 2B/3

    => 2A/5 = 2B/3

    => A/B = (2/3) x (5/2) = 5/3

    So, A : B = 5 : 3.

  • 82. The salaries A, B, C are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5. If the increments of 15%, 10% and 20% are allowed respectively in their salaries, then what will be new ratio of their salaries?
  • Let A = 2k, B = 3k and C = 5k.

    A's new salary = 115/100 of 2k = (115/100) x 2k = 23k/10

    B's new salary = 110 of 3k = (110/100 x 3k = 33k/10

    C's new salary = 120/100 of 5k = (120/100) x 5k = 6k

    So, New ratio (23k/10 : 33k/10 : 6k) = 23 : 33 : 60

  • 83. If Tk. 782 be divided into three parts, proportional to 1/2 : 2/3 :3/4 , then the first part is:
  • Given ratio = 1/2 : 2/3 :3/4 = 6 : 8 : 9.

    So, 1st part = Tk. (782 x (6/23)) = Tk. 204

  • 84. The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio of the first to second is 2 :3 and that of the second to the third is 5 : 8, then the second number is:
  • Let the three parts be A, B, C. Then,

    A : B = 2 : 3 and B : C = 5 : 8

    = 5 x (3/5) : (8 x 3/5) = 3:24/5

    => A : B : C = 2 : 3 : 24/5 = 10 : 15 : 24

    => B = (98 x 15/49) = 30.

  • 85. If 0.75 : x :: 5 : 8, then x is equal to:
  • (x x 5) = (0.75 x 8)   

    => x = (6/5) = 1.20

  • 86. Salaries of Ravi and Sumit are in the ratio 2 : 3. If the salary of each is increased by Tk. 4000, the new ratio becomes 40 : 57. What is Sumit's salary?
  • Let the original salaries of Ravi and Sumit be Tk. 2x and Tk. 3x respectively.

    Then, (2x + 4000)/(3x + 4000) = 40/57

    => 57(2x + 4000) = 40(3x + 4000)

    => 6x = 68,000

    => 3x = 34,000

    Sumit's present salary = (3x + 4000)

    = Tk.(34000 + 4000) = Tk. 38,000.

  • 87. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a college is 7 : 8. If the percentage increase in the number of boys and girls be 20% and 10% respectively, what will be the new ratio?
  • Originally, let the number of boys and girls in the college be 7x and 8x respectively.

    Their increased number is (120% of 7x) and (110% of 8x).

    => ((120/100)x7x) and ((110/100) x 8x)

    => 42x/5 and 44x/5

    So, The required ratio = 42x/5 : 44x = 21 : 22.

  • 88. In a mixture 60 litres, the ratio of milk and water 2 : 1. If the this ratio is to be 1 : 2, then the quanity of water to be further added is:
  • Quantity of milk = ((60 x (2/3)) litres = 40 litres.

    Quantity of water in it = (60- 40) litres = 20 litres.

    New ratio = 1 : 2

    Let quantity of water to be added further be x litres.

    Then, milk : water = 40/(20+x)

    Now, 40/(20+x) = ½

    => 20 + x =80

    => x = 60.

    So, Quantity of water to be added = 60 litres.

  • 89. Seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a school are in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. There is a proposal to increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats?
  • Originally, let the number of seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology be 5x, 7x and 8x respectively.

    Number of increased seats are (140% of 5x), (150% of 7x) and (175% of 8x).

    => (140/100 x 5x) , (150/100 x 7x) and (175/100 x 8x)       

    => 7x, 21x/2 and 14x.

    So, The required ratio = 7x : 21x/2 : 14x

    => 14x : 21x : 28x

    => 2 : 3 : 4.

  • 90. A sum of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, D in the proportion of 5 : 2 : 4 : 3. If C gets Tk. 1000 more than D, what is B's share?
  • Let the shares of A, B, C and D be Tk. 5x, Tk. 2x, Tk. 4x and Tk. 3x respectively.

    Then, 4x - 3x = 1000

    => x = 1000.

    So, B's share = Tk. 2x

    = Tk. (2 x 1000) = Tk. 2000.

  • 91. Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers is:
  • Let the third number be x.

    Then, first number = 120% of x

    = 120x/100 = 6x/5

    Second number = 150% of x

    = 150x/100 = 3x/2

    So, Ratio of first two numbers = (6x/5 : 3x)

    = 12x : 15x = 4 : 5.

  • 92. A and B together have Tk. 1210. If 4/15 of A's amount is equal to 2/5 of B's amount, how much amount does B have?
  • (4/15)A = (2/5)B

    => A = (2/5) x (15/4)B

    => A = (3/2)B

    => A/B = 3/2

    => A : B = 3 : 2.

    So, B's share = Tk. (1210 x 2/5) = Tk. 484.

  • 93. The present ages of A and B are in the ratio 6:4. Five years ago their ages were in the ratio 5:3. Find their present ages.
  • Go from the choices

    Choice (3) 30 and 20 are in the ratio of 6: 4

    Five years ago their ages would be 25 and 15 which are in the ratio 5 : 3.

    Hence choice (3) is the right answer.

  • 94. If the ratio of the areas of 2 squares is 2:1, then the ratio of the perimeters of the squares is--
  • x*x : y*y = 2 : 1

    x : y = square root (2) : 1

  • 95. 35% of Rifat’s income is equal to 25% of Reza’s income. The ratio of their income is—
  • 35% * X = 25% * Y

    or, 35X = 25Y

    or, X /Y = 25 / 35

          = 5 / 7

    or, X : Y = 5 : 7

  • 96. 729 ml of a mixture contains milk and water in ratio 7:2. How much of the water is to be added to get a  new mixture containing half milk and half water?
  • The quantity of milk in the mixture is

    7/(7+2) X 729

    = 7/9 X 729

    = 567mL

    The quantity of water then shall be

    729 - 567 = 162mL

    If the final mixture would contain half milk and half water, there must be equal quantity of both.

    So in order to make up for water, we'll need to add

    567mL - 162mL= 405mL of water

  • 97. The ratio of two numbers is 3:4 and their sum is 420. The greater of the two numbers is
  • Required Number is = [420 * 4/ (3+4)] = 240

  • 98. The ratio between two numbers to 3:4 and their least common multiple is 180. What is the first number?
  • The first number is= 180/4 =45

    The seond number is= 180/3 = 60

  • 99. Two equal glasses are respectively one-third and one-fourth full of milk. They are then filled up with water and the contents are mixed in a tumbler. Ratio of milk and water in tumbler is:
  • Given two equal glasses are respectively one third =1/3

    and one fourth full of milk=1/4

    total milk in both glass=1/3+1/4=7/12

    water in 1st glass=1-1/3=2/3

    water in 2nd glass=1-1/4=3/4

    total water=2/3+3/4=17/12

    then ratio of milk and water =(7/12)/(17/12)

    ratio of milk and water =7:17

  • 100. In a certain population, there are three times as many people aged 21 or under as there are people over 21. The ratio of those 21 or under to the total population is:
  • let's say that there is 1 person over twenty-one.

    If there are 3 times as many people aged twenty-one or under as there are people over twenty-one, then there must be 3 people aged twenty-one or under.

    This means the TOTAL population = 1 + 3 = 4

    The ratio of those twenty-one or under to the total population = 3 : 4

  • 101. Reza’s collection US, India and British stamps. If the ratio of US to India stamps is 5 is to 2 and the ratio of Indian to British stamps is 5 is to 1, what is the ratio of US to British stamps?
  • US : Indian = 5 : 2 = 25 : 10 [Multiplying with 5]

    Indian : British = 5 : 1 = 10 : 2 [Multiply with 2]


    US : Indian : British = 25 : 10 : 2

    or, US : British = 25 : 2



  • 102. Alim and Badrul entered into a partnership and Alim invests Tk. 10000 in the partnership. At the end of 4 months he withdraws Tk. 2000. At the end of another 5 months, he withdraws another Tk. 3000. If Badrul receives Tk. 9600 as his share of the total profit of Tk. 19100 for the year, how much did Badrul invest in the company? 
  • Profit- 19100

    Badrul receive= 9600

    Alim receive= 19100-9600 = 9500

    Alims total investment= (10000 X 4)+(8000X5)+(5000 X 3)= 95000

    9500 tk profit if investment 95000 tk

    9600 tk profit if investment 96000 tk

    Badruls investment = 96000/12=8000 tk


  • 103. If a and b are integers greater than 100 such that a+b=300, which of the following could be the exact ratio of a to b?
  • 104. Aunik and Anam started a business investing Tk. 22,500 respectively. Out of a total profit of Tk. 13,800, Anam’s share is :
  • 105. Two whole numbers whose sum is 72 cannot be in the ratio: 
  • 106. At XYZ Company, the ratio of sales to gross profit is 4:3 and the ratio of gross profit is 3:1, what is the ratio of net profit to sales?
  • suppose,
    gross profit=y
    net profit=z
    x:y=4:3=(4 x 3) : (3X3)=12:9
    y:z=3:1=(3x3) : (3 x1)=9:3
    x:y:z= 12:9:3


  • 107. A drink contains 20% cranberry juice, 20% raspberry juice and the rest is apple juice. You added 250 ml water in 750 ml of the drink. Now, that is the ratio of water to apple juice in the drink?
  • amount of canberry juice=(750 X 20/100)=150 ml
    amount of raspberry juice=  (750 X 20/100)=150 ml
    amount of apple juice=(750-150-150)=450 ml
    so,water:apple juice =250:450=5:9

  • 108. The ratio 2 to 1/3 is equal to the ratio—
  • 109. A and B started a partnership business I investing some amount in the ratio of 3:5. C joined them after six months with an amount equal to that of B. In what proportion should the profit at the end of the first; year be distributed among A, B and C?
  • Let the initial investments of A and B be 3x and 5x.

    A : B : C = (3x x 12) : (5x x 12) : (5x x 6) = 36 : 60 : 30 = 6 : 10 : 5.

  • 110. The ratio of boys and girls in a class is 1:2 and the classroom has 24 students. How many boys would have to be admitted to make ratio of boys to girls 1:1?
  • B + G = 24

    B/G = 1/2

    2B = G


    B + 2B = 24

    or, 3B = 24

    or, B = 8



    8 + G = 24

    or, G = 24 - 8

    or, G = 16

    To make 1:1,

    The amount of boys must be equal to Girls.

    Thus, additional (16 - 8) or 8 boys is required.

  • 111. A fruit salad mixture consists of apples, peaches, and grapes in the ratio 6:5:2, respectively by weight. If 39 pounds of the mixture is prepared, the mixture includes how many more pounds of apples than grapes?
  • Given that A:P:G=6x:5x:2x and 6x+5x+2x=13x=39, from which it follows that x=3.

    Therefore, A-G=6x-2x=4x=12.

  • 112. The present ages of three persons are in the ratio of 4:7:9. Eight years ago, the sum of their ages was 56. What are their present ages in years?
  • Let their present ages be 4x, 7x and 9x years respectively.

    Then, (4x - 8) + (7x - 8) + (9x - 8) = 56

    20x = 80

    x = 4.

    Their present ages are 4x = 16 years, 7x = 28 years and 9x = 36 years respectively.

  • 113. Seats for Mathematics Physics and Biology in a university are in the ratio of 5 : 7 : 8. There is a proposal to increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats?
  • Originally, let the number of seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology be 5x, 7x and 8x respectively.

    Number of increased seats are (140% of 5x), (150% of 7x) and (175% of 8x).


    140 x 5x ,
    • 114. The ratio of income of Kamran and Dolon is 3:4. The ratio of their expenditures is 4 : 5. Find the ratio of their savings if the savings of Kamran is one fourth of his income?
    • 115. A sum of Tk. 53 is divided among A,B,C is such a way that A gets Tk. 7 more than what B gets and B gets Tk. 8 more than what C gets. The ratio of their share is:
    • let,

      C get=x

      B get=x+8

      A get=x+8+7=x+15

      according to question,




      so,C get=10

      B get=18

      A get=25

      so ratio is=25:18:10

    • 116. Two different schools, A and B, have the same number of students. The ration of boys in school A and the boys in school B is 2:1 and the ratio of girls in school A and the girls in school B is 4:5. What is the ratio of the boys in school A to the girls in school A?
    • 117. The ratio of two numbers is 9:15.If the former number is 36 then the next number is:
    • 9X : 15X


      9X = 36

      or, X = 36/9 = 4


      15X = 15*4 = 60

    • 118. A certain amount was divided between Kashem and Rashed in the ratio of 4:3. If Rashed’s share was Taka 2400, the total amount was:
    • Kashem : Rashed = 4 : 3 = 4X : 3X


      3X = 2400

      or, X = 2400/3 = 800


      4X = 4*800 = 3200

      So, total amount was = 2400 + 3200 = 5600 taka

    • 119. If a and b are integers greater than 100 such that a + b = 300, which of the following could be the exact ratio of a to b?
    • 120. In a sugar-water solution, the ratio of water to sugar is 8:3. If you add 2 kgs of sugar, the ratio becomes 2:1. What was the amount of sugar in the original solution? 
    • Let sugar be x and water be y,


      y:x = 8:3

      or, y/x = 8/3

      or, 3y = 8x

      or, y = 8x/3 ............................. (1)


      y:(x+2) = 2:1

      or, y/(x+2) = 2/1

      or, y = 2x + 4


      8x/3 = 2x + 4

      or, 8x = 6x + 12

      or, 8x - 6x = 12

      or, 2x = 12

      or, x = 6

      Thus, originaly, there were 6 kg of sugar.

    • 121. If A is 4/6 of B and B is 6/8 of C, what is the ratio of C:A ?
    • A = (4/6) * B

      and, B = (6/8) * C


      A = (4/6) * (6/8) * C

      or, A = (4*6/6*8) * C

      or, A = (4/8) * C

      or, A = (1/2) * C

      or, A/C = 1/2

      or, C/A = 2/1

    • 122. Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers is :
    • the third number =x

      1st number = 1.2x

      2nd number = 1.5x

      Ratio = 1.2x : 1.5x


    • 123. Let x : y = 3:4 and x : z = 6 ; 5, then z : y = is?
    • x:y = 3:4

      x:z = 6:5 or 3:5/2

      Now, In the common ground of x,

      z:y = 5/2:4

            = 5:4*2

            = 5:8

    • 124. The ratio Of 1/5 to 2/7 - is
    • 1/5:2/7 = 1*7:2*5 = 7:10

    • 125. একটি ত্রিভুজের তিনটি বাহুর মাপের অনুপাত ৫:৬:৭ । এর পরিসীমা ১৯৮ সেন্টিমিটার হলে দীর্ঘতম বাহুটি কত সেন্টিমিটার?
    • তিনটি বাহুর মাপের অনুপাত ৫:৬:৭


      বাহুত্রয় ৫ক, ৬ক, ৭ক।


      ৫ক + ৬ক + ৭ক = ১৯৮

      বা, ১৮ক = ১৯৮

      বা, ক = ১১


      দীর্ঘতম বাহুটি = ৭*১১ = ৭৭ সেন্টিমিটার

    • 126. If x:y=5:3, then (8x-5y):(8x+5y)=?
    • let x=5 and y=3



      = (8*5-5*3):(8*5+5*3)

      = (40-15):(40+15)

      = 25:55

      = 5:11

    • 127. Three angles of a triangle are in proportion 5:6:7. Then what is the difference in degrees between the biggest and the smallest angles?
    • 5x+6x+7x=1800



    • 128. 35% of Tahia’s income is equal to 25% of Noria's income. The ratio of Tahia’s income to Noria’s income is:
    • Let, Tahia's income=x and Noria's income=y

       According to ques,

      35% of x=25% of y




    • 129. If A/2=B/3=C/4 then A:B:C=?
    • 130. A man’s expenditure on food is 3/5 of his expenditure on clothes, find the ratio between his expenditure on food and cloth.
    • 131. কোন ব্যবসায় ক,খ,গ এর মূলধন যথাক্রমে ৩২০,৪০০ এবং ৪৮০ টাকা । তাদের মূলধনের অনুপাত কত ?
    • কোন ব্যবসায় ক,খ,গ এর মূলধন যথাক্রমে ৩২০,৪০০ এবং ৪৮০ টাকা 

      ক,খ,গ এর মূলধন এর অনুপাত = ৩২০ঃ৪০০ঃ ৪৮০ 

                                              =৪ঃ৫ঃ৬ [৮০ দিয়ে ভাগ করুন]


    • 132. পিতা ও পুত্রের বয়সের অনুপাত ৭:৩ । চার বছর পূর্বে তাদের বয়সের অনুপাত ছিল ১৩:৫।বতমানে পুত্রের বয়স কত ?
    • পিতা ও পুত্রের বয়সের অনুপাত ৭:৩ ।

      পিতার বয়স ৭ক

      পুত্রের বয়স ৩ক 

      চার বছর পূর্বে তাদের বয়স ছিল ৭ক-৪ এবং ৩ক-৪

      অনুপাত ছিল ১৩:৫।


       (৭ক-৪)/(৩ক-৪) = ১৩/৫

      => ৩৯ক -৫২ = ৩৫ক -২০ 

      => ৪ক = ৩২

      => ক =৮

      পুত্রের বয়স = ৩ক = ২৪

    • 133. In a sugar-water solution, the ratio of water to sugar is 8:3. If you add 2 kgs of sugar, the ratio becomes 2:1. What was the amount of sugar in the original solution?
    • the ratio of water to sugar is 8:3.

      Water is 8x kg

      Sugar is 3x kg

      According to the statement of If you add 2 kgs of sugar, the ratio becomes 2:1,

      8x : (3x+2) = 2: 1

      => 8x/(3x+2) = 2/1

      => 8x = 6x + 4

      => 2x = 4

      => x = 2

      So sugar in original solution = 3x = 6kg

    • 134. If a: b is 4:7 and b:c is 5:6, then a:b:c is –    
    • a:b = 4:7 = 20:35

      b:c = 5:6 = 35:42

      So, a:b:c = 20:35:42 (Ans.)

    • 135. If 30% of A= 0.25 of B=1/5th of C, The ratio of A, B and C is-    
    • Correct Ans: 10:12:15

    • 136. One half of a pole is deep into the soil under water, one-third of it is above water level. The total length of the pole in meters is:  
    • 137. The ratio of ages of a father and his son was 5:1.what is the age of the son father five years,if the ratio of their ages is 3:1 by this time :
    • 138. A and B are in the ratio of 5:4,B and in the ratio of 3:2.what is the ratio of A:C?
    • A:B=5:4 =15:12

      B:C=3:2 = 12: 8

      A:C = 15:8

    • 139. Mr. A and Mr. B have a combined weekly salary of Taka 1,000. If salary of A is increased by 2.5 times and salary of B is increased by 1.5 times, the combined salary would be Taka 1600. What was the original salary of B?
    • 140. The business partners Rahim. Sohel and Karim agree to divide their Total profit for a certain year in the ratio 2:5:8. If Sohel’s profit was Taka 20,000 what was the total profit of the business for the year?
    • 141. in what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of tea worth Tk 60 per kg and Tk 65 per kg so that y selling the mixture at Tk. 68.20 per kg he may gain 10%?  
    • 142. a container holds 4 quarts of alcohol and 4 quarts of water. How many quarts of water must be added to the container to create a mixture that is 3 parts alcohol to 5 parts water by volume?  
    • Currently its is 4 units of Alcohol and 4 units of water
      to make the ratio 3/5 ; how much water has to be added?

      4/4+x =3/5
      20 = 12+3x
      x= 8/3

    • 143. Gold is 19 times as heavy as water and copper is 9 times as heavy as water in what ratio should this be mixed to get an alloy r 15 times as heavy as water :  
    • Let,
       the mass of 1 volume unit of water be 1. Then 1 volume unit of gold has mass 19, and 1 volume unit of copper has mass 9. 
      Now let g be the volume of gold used, and let c be the volume of copper. The total mass divided by the total volume is the density. 
      (19g + 9c)/(g + c) = 15 
      19g + 9c = 15g + 15c 
      4g = 6c 
      2g = 3c 
      g/c = 3/2 
      The volume ratio is 3:2. 


    • 144. In a business, A and C invested amounts in the ratio 2:1, whereas the ratio between amounts invested by A and B was 3:2. If Tk. 1,57,300 was their profit, how much amount did B receive?  
    • Here,

      A:B = 3:2 = 6:4
       A:C = 2:1 = 6:3

       A:B:C = 6:4:3

      B's Share = (B's ratio/Sum of ratio's) X total profit 

      B share = (4/13)*157300
      = 48400 Taka 

    • 145. The least whole number which when subtracted from both the terms of the ratio 6:7 gives a ratio less then 16:21 is :  
    • Let the whole number is X.
      Now, according to question,
      (6 -X) /(7 -X) < 16/21.
      21 *(6 -X) < 16 *(7 -X)
      126 - 21X < 112 - 16X
      126 - 112 < - 16X + 21X
      14 < 5X
      5X  > 14
      X > 2.8
      So, Least such whole number would be 3.

    • 146. একটি পাত্রে দুধ ও পানির অনুপাত ৫:১। দুধের পরিমাণ যদি পানি অপেক্ষা ৪ লিটার বেশি হয় তবে পানির পরিমান কত?
    • 147. Rahim is 40 years old and Karim is 60 years old. How many years ago was the ratio of their ages 3 : 5?
    • 148. P and Q start a business with initial corresponding profits are in the 13:8. Their corresponding proffits are in  the ratio of 7:5.   If P invested his money for 7 months, find the time period for invested   his money.
    • 149. The ratio of income of a to that of B is 7:5 and the expenditure of A to that of B is 3:2. If   , at the end of the year , each saves tk.500, find the income of A.
    • 150. A , B and C enter into partnership  by making investments in the ratio 3:5:7 . after a year , C invests another tk.337600 while a withdraws tk. 45600, the ratio of investments then changes to 24:59:87 . How much does  a invest initially ?
    • 151. ৩ জন জেলে মিলে ৮৮০ টি মাছ ধরেছে। তাদের অংশের অনুপাত ২ : ৪  : ৫ হলে কে কত মাছ পেল?
    • 152. যদি কিউব-ক এর সাইড ও কিউব-খ এর সাইডের অনুপাত ২ : ১, তা হলে এর তল দুটির অনুপাত কত?
    • 153. Find the ratio of purchase price to sell price if there is loss of 12.5% ?
    • 154. If A:B = 3:4, C:B= 5:4, C:D=10:9 then A:B:C:D is -
    • 155. If x:y=5:3 , then 8x-5y:8x+5y= ?
    • 156. If x : y = 5 : 3, then 8x - 5y : 8x + 5y =?
    • 157. A dog takes 4 leaps for every 5 leaps of a hare but 3 leaps of the dog is equal to 4 leaps of the hare. Compare their speeds :
    • 158. In a mixture of 50 liters, milk and water are in the ratio of 3 : 2. How much water should be added to the mixture to make the ratio of the two equal?
    • 159. Sazu is younger than Rabi by 4 years. If their age ratios are of 7 : 9 respectively, how pld is Sazu?
    • 160. The ratio of the cost price and the selling prices is 4:5. The profit percent is :
    • 161. The ratio of three numbers is 3 : 4 : 5 and the sum of their squares is 1250. The sum of the numbers is
    • 162. একটি কুকুর একটি খরগােশকে ধরার জন্য তাড়া করে। কুকুর যে সময়ে ৪ লাফ দেয়, খরগােশ সে সময়ে ৫ লাফ দেয়। কিন্তু খরগোশ ৪ লাফে যতদূর যায় কুকুর ৩ লাফে ততদূর যায়। কুকুর ও খরগােশের গতিবেগের অনুপাত কত? 
    • 163. The ratio of two numbers is 7: 4. If 8 is added to both the numbers ratio becomes 13:8, what is the smaller number?
    • 164. There are 2 numbers in the ratio of 4:5 if 4 are subtracted from both numbers the ratio becomes 3:4. What will be the ratio if 4 is added in the both numbers
    • 165. The ratio of boys to girls in a class is 2/3. If 2 boys leave and 4 girls join the class, the ratio of boys to girls become 3/2. How many girls were there in the class originally? 
    • 166. The ratio of two numbers is 3:4 and their sum is 630.  The smaller one of the two numbers is -
    • two numbers are 3x and 4x
      3x + 4x = 630
      => 7x = 630
      => x = 90
      3x = 270


    • 167. A sum of Tk. 53 is divided among A, B, C in such a way that A gets Tk. 7 more than what B gets and B gets Tk. 8 more than C gets. The ratio of their share is- 
    • Let,
      C gets x tk
      B gets x + 8 tk
      A gets x + 8 + 7 tk

      Total A + B+ C
      x + 15 + x + 8 + x = 3x + 23
      Or, 3x + 23 = tk 53 (given)
      Or, 3x = 30
      Or, x = 10

      Ratio of their shares,
      A : B : C
      = (x + 15) : (x + 8) : (x)
      = 25 : 18 : 10

    • 168. এক ব্যবসায়ী ৮০ টাকায় একটি পণ্য বিক্রি করে ২৫% লাভ করে। ব্যয় ও বিক্রি মূল্যের অনুপাত কত?
    • 169. A jar contains white, red and green marbles in the ratios 2: 3: 5. six more green marbles are added to the jars, and then the ratio becomes 2 : 3 : 7. How many white marbles are three in the jar?
    • Ratio of W : R : G= 2: 3:5।
      If 6 Green is added, Ratio becomes W: R:G = 2: 3:7
      Difference of ratio for 6 marbles = 7 – 5 = 2

      For 1 ratio = 3 marbles
      White marbles = 2×3 = 6

    • 170. The present age of Habib and Shikha are in the ratio of 6 : 4. Five years ago their ages were in the ratio of 5: 3, How old is Habib now?
    • Let,

      Habib’s age is = 6x

      And Shikha’s age = 4x


      (6x-5)/(4x-5) = 5/3

      Or, 18x – 15 = 20x – 25

      Or, 2x = 10

      Or, x = 5

      So, Habib’s age is = 6×5 = 30 year

    • 171. The ratio of two number is 3:4 and their sum is 630. The smaller one of the two number is =
    • Let,
      The numbers are 3x and 4x
      3x+4x = 630
      Or, 7x = 630
      Or, x = 90
      Smaller number = 3x = 3×90 = 270


    • 172. If x:y =5:3 , then (8x-5y) : (8x +5y) =
    • xy=538x5y=5×83×58x -5y8x+5y=40-1540+158x-5y8x +5y=25558x-5y8x+5y=511
    • 173. The average height of girls in a class is 5 ft and that of boys is 5.7 ft. If the average height of the students in class is 5.5 ft what could be the possible strength of boys and girls respectively in the class:
    • 50b+57g= 55(b+g)
      Or, 5b= 2g
      Or, b:g = 2:5
      Now, Summation of age would be multiple of 7.
      Option A: 50+20= 70; multiple of 7


    • 174. If the ratio of speed of doing work of three persons is 1:3:5. what is the ratio of time taken by these people to do the same amount of work?
    • Time taken by three
      = 1:1/3:1/5
      = 15:5:3
    • 175. If A and B are in the ratio 3:4, and B and C in the ratio 12:13, then A and C will be in the ratio-
    • (A/B) × (B/C) = (3/4) × (12/13)

      Or, A/C = 36/52 = 9:13

    • 176. If 40% of a number is equal to two-third of another number, what is the ratio of first number to the second number?
    • Exp:
      40% of A=(2/3)B
      Or, 2A/5=2B/3
      Or, A/B=(2/3 × 5/2)=5/3
      So, A:B=5:3.

    • 177. The ratio between the perimeter and the breadth of a rectangle is: 5:1. the area of the rectangle is 216 cm2, what is the length of the rectangle?
    • 2(l + b)=     5/1
      Or, 2l + 2b = 5b
      Or, 3b = 2l
      Or, b = 2l/3
      Then, Area = 216 cm2
      Or, l x b = 216
      Or, l x 2l/3 = 216
      Or, l2 = 324
      Or, l = 18 cm.

    • 178. A shopkeeper earns a profit of 12% on selling a book at 10% discount on the printed price. The ratio of the cost price and the printed price of the book is
    • Let,
      The CP be 100.
      SP=100+12% of 100=112
      If the marked price be X,
      then 90% of X=112
      Or, x= (112×100)/90
      Or, x = 1120/90
      Required ratio =100:1120/90=900:1120=45:56


    • 179. In a 729 litres mixture of milk and water, the ratio of milk to water is 7:2. To get a new mixture containing milk and water in the ratio 7:3, the amount of water to be added is-
    • Quantity of milk in 729 litre of mixture
      = 7X729/9 = 567 litre
      Quantity of water
      = 729-567 = 162 litre.
      Let x litre of water be added to become ratio 7:3.
      Or, 7/3 = 567/(162+x)
      Or, 162×7 +7x = 567×3
      Or, 7x = 1701-1134 = 567
      Or, x = 567/7 = 81 litre water is to be added.

    • 180. In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of pulses costing Tk 15 and Tk 20 per kg respectively so as to get a mixture worth Tk 16.50 kg?
    • In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties
    • 181. Three partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 5:7:8. They had partnered for 14 months,8 months and 7 months respectively. What was the ratio of their investments?
    • Let their investments be x for 14 months, y for 8 months and z for 7 months respectively.
      Then, 14x : 8y : 7z = 5 : 7 : 8.
      Now, 14x/8y = 5/7
      Or, 98x = 40y
      Or, y = 49x/20
      And, 14x/7z = 5/8
      Or, 112x = 35z
      Or, z = 112x/35 = 16x/5
      So x : y : z = x : 49x/20 : 16x/5 —- (Multiple by 20)
      Or, x : y : z = 20 : 49 : 64


    • 182. In a mixture, the ratio of the milk and water is 6: 5. When 22 liter mixture is replaced by water, the ratio becomes 9:13. Find the quantity of water after replacement.
    • Let milk  = 6x, water = 5x


      6x – 22 × 6/11 : 5x – 22 × 5/11    + 22 = 9 : 13

      Or, 6x – 12 : 5x – 10 + 22 = 9 : 13

      Or, 13 (6x – 12) = 9 (5x + 12)

      Or, 78x – 156 = 45x + 108

      Or, 78x – 45x = 156 + 108

      Or, 33x = 264

      Or, x = 8

      Water after replacement = 5 × 8 – 10 + 22 = 40 + 22 = 52 litre

    • 183. The ratio of the speed of boat in still water to the speed of stream is 16:5. A boat goes 16.5 km in 45 minute upstream, find the time taken by boat to cover the distance of 17.5 km downstream.
    • 184. Three boys have marbles in the ratio of 19:5:3. If the boy with the least number has 9 marbles. how many marbles does the boy with the greatest number have?
    • Smaller ratio 3 = 9

      So, Smaller ratio 1 = 9/3 = 3


      Highest ratio 19 = 19×3 = 57

    • 185. In a club 50% of the male voters and 80% of the female voters voted for candidate A. If candida A received 70% of the total votes, what is the ratio of male to female voters?
    • Male voter = x

      Female voter = y

      50% of x + 80% of y = 70% of (x+y)

      50x/100 + 80y/100 = 70(x+y)/100

      50x + 80y = 70x + 70y

      80y – 70y= 70x – 50x

      10y = 20x

      x/y = 10/20 = ½

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      Ans: 16th

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